Friday Pottering
Plus hand-wringing in fear for our favorite characters, and some movie 5 previewing.
'It's a very, very emotional book.'
-- Arthur A. Levine, J.K. Rowling's American editor
Oh, my goodness, here we go -- 112 days till the release of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," and we've gotten our first look at the cover art for the U.S. and U.K. editions.
We've also heard from one of the first people in the world to read the story, Arthur A. Levine.
The editor of the Potter books' American editions said on NBC's "Today" show that he didn't just cry, he "sobbed" when he read the final novel in the series. Editor's Note: Anyone else besides me now wringing their hands AND hiding under their desks sucking their thumbs?
Just ME?
But he wouldn't reveal anything else about the story.
So take a close look at Mary GrandPre's artwork for the American books ( and at the book jackets for the British children's and adult editions (, and let's try to figure out what's going on.
Levine pointed out that the U.S. book jacket is wider than usual and Lord Voldemort is pictured for the first time.
Look at the background; could Harry and Lord Voldemort be in that ancient chamber in the Ministry of Magic containing the archway with the mysterious black veil? Is this their final confrontation? Why are they both looking up?
Editor's Note: We had the US cover in a dweebpost earlier this week, but here it is again:

On the U.K. book jackets, the children's edition shows Harry, Hermione and Ron in battle, while the adult edition shows a necklace monogrammed with an elaborate, serpentine "S" picked out in emeralds. Hmm, a green, snakelike "S." Could this be the Slytherin locket that contains a sliver of Voldemort's soul?
Here are the Brit Covers (kid's cover first, front and back, then adult cover, front and back).

What do you think?
Write to with your theories.
Last week, Kate P. of Homer Glen asked us all for advice: Her cousin is getting married July 21, and Kate fears she is faced with smuggling "Deathly Hallows" into the church and reception or she'll "miss out on the final installment of my favorite book of all time!"
Turns out Kate's not the only one. Angela M. of Midlothian says she will be going to a cousin's wedding on the evening of July 20, "so that means no midnight release parties for me." She figures she might slip out of the reception a little early so she can pick up her book at a nearby bookstore. Her suggestion for Kate: "I say, read as much as you can in the car, and after maybe there will be another Potter fan at your wedding and you can read together in the corner! Good luck."
But our dean of Muggle studies disagrees.
Amy Dickinson, a PotterWatcher as well as advice columnist, gets the last word:"I know that it will sound hopelessly 'Muggle' of me to say this, but please remember that other relationships need to come before even the most compelling literary passions," Amy says. "Think like Harry. In 'The Chamber of Secrets,' Harry had to go to Nick's Death Day party instead of going to the Halloween feast. Why? Because Nick helped Harry out of a jam and Harry was obligated to honor the relationship. This is what we love the most about Harry -- he has integrity." Editor's Note: It is very confusing when a non-dweeb quotes a dweeb icon to make us be more like non-dweebs.
My head hurts.
But I'm pretty sure that mugglelady is wrong, and has NO sense of proportion.
The best thing to do is not to steal moments during other events to secretly read the book. If you do, both the book and the event will suffer. Savor this last gulp of Harry Potter during a time when you can give it your full and undivided attention.
"Remember, the book isn't going anywhere; it's yours to read again and again -- but the event only happens once."
Think of these weddings as the Quidditch World Cup Tournament. To the bride and groom, they are." Editor's Note: WhatEVER.
EW features 'Potter' covers & all you need to know about 'OotP'
Just a few hours ago we posted some new images from the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie, which will appear in Entertainment Weekly on Friday.
Editor's Note: And ohmygollygraciousme, check out these wonderful pics!
Cho Chang
Dumbledore's Army!

Harry and Sirius Black (Editor's Note: SOME of you...oddbob...just went to a naughty place, didn't you?! "Equus" flash-backs, perchance?)

Harry and the Tribunal at the Minestry of Magic

Hermione (Editor's Note: And thank goodness the young lady came to her senses, so we don't have to be mad at her and can love her evermore! Get a LIFE, you say? Pshaw!)


Luna Lovegood (Editor' s Note: Who is WAY too pretty, IMHO. Which frankly, so is Dolores).

The Trio

Editor's Note: Is it my imagination, or do we have this exact same pose of the three of them from almost every movie?
Sirius Black (Editor's Note: Looking VERY handsome, and sort of sad).

The issue features three different covers with Harry, Hermione and Ron, all the information you need to know about the movie, quotes from Daniel Radcliffe and director David Yates and a quiz to test your Harry Potter knowledge.
One article mentions that Mr. Yates has been tapped to direct Half-Blood Prince, although nothing has been finalized yet and that the producers state that the movie will be two and a half hours, the shortest in the series to date.
Or you can start reading the articles here and here for the list of characters, all on the EW site.
Editor's Note: That first link, above, takes you to the articles and such on the EW site. (In the interest of me actually getting some WORK done today at work...ahem...)
Editor's Note: Saving the yummiest for last:
Lucius Malfoy....So Evil, SO pretty....