Harry Potter Taking over our BRAINS!
Four interviews with a couple of HP-savvy reviewers parsing some nifty HP stuff from the 5 movies.
And HERE's a link to an interview with JKR that took place right as the very first HP book was released in the states, and most of which hasn't been heard before:
Key Harry Potter roles up for grabs
Two key parts in the next Harry Potter film are up for grabs, according to Hollywood studio Warner Brothers, which has announced an open casting call.
The studio says the casting sessions in London will be held for the roles of Lavender Brown and Tom Riddle. Aspiring actors between the ages of 15 and 18 are required for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the sixth book in the series.
Brown is the girl who ends up dating Harry's best friend, Ron. The studio says Lavender is a "pretty and lively girl who loves to be the centre of attention" and "reacts in an extreme way to everything."
Tom Riddle is a darker character described as "not a warm boy, but he is very charismatic. Both staff and children are probably all a little scared of him."
Auditions for Lavender Brown take place July 1 and for Tom Riddle, on July 8 at the Earl's Court Exhibition Centre. Editor's Note: yeah....I'm playing catch up. I guess we all missed the auditions?
This is not the first time the studio has sought non-professional child actors. A similar open call landed Evanna Lynch her first film role — as Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which hits theatres in July.
Then 14, the Dublin-based Lynch captured the attention of the casting director over 15,000 other hopefuls.
Lynch, who is now 16, has described herself as a rabid fan of the wizard-in-training books by J.K. Rowling.
"Watching the movies, I always thought it would be so cool to be in Harry Potter and to make that your job," Lynch told the Basingstoke Gazette in England.
"I wanted to go for Luna. I'm not one to sit around and wait for fate to do things so I got my friends and made a tape. They played Harry and Ron — they were very good about it, very patient — and I sent that away."
Brace yourselves, Harry Potter fans. No matter how desperate you are for Harry to live, some experts in classic literature and mythology say that finishing off the young wizard would make sense -- in a literary kind of way.
What will happen to Harry at the end of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"? Only J.K. Rowling knows.
J.K. Rowling has never shied from darkness in her phenomenally successful series -- it started with the murder of Harry's parents, continued through his discovery that an evil wizard was trying to destroy him, and has included pain and torture and the deaths of major characters.
She's already promised two deaths in the seventh and final book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," coming out July 21, and has refused to commit to Harry surviving. But she couldn't kill Harry off, could she? She wouldn't do that, would she?
"If you look at the tradition of the epic hero ... there is this sort of pattern that the hero delivers people to the promised land but does not see it himself," said Lana Whited, professor of English at Ferrum College in Ferrum, Virginia, pointing out examples from King Arthur to Moses to Frodo.
Greek mythology has plenty of examples, like Hercules, who was killed at the height of his strength, said Mary Lefkowitz, a retired classics professor who taught at Wellesley College in Massachusetts.
"There's no long promise of happiness," she said. "You may have brief moments of glory and then the darkness comes."
And don't be fooled into thinking a happy ending is automatic just because the main characters are young, said Anne Collins Smith, assistant professor of philosophy and classical studies at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas.
"Just because it's children's literature doesn't mean it can't have very dark events in it," she said.
Others aren't convinced, saying that Rowling's story about Harry and his adventures is less influenced by classical mythology than it is by other storytelling traditions.
Philip Ray, an associate professor of English at Connecticut College, said Rowling was part of a tradition of British writers like Edith Nesbit, writing stories where children are the focus and have grand adventures.
Since Harry is about to finish his years at Hogwarts, Ray said, "I think it would be very unusual for a book like this to kill off the main character at a time when he's about to graduate from school."
The books are about Harry's development into a young man, Ray said.
"For Rowling to have put Harry Potter through all seven volumes just to kill him off, the point of all development would be wasted," Ray said. "Death strikes me as being the strangest ending of all." Editor's Note: Not that I want him to die, but IF he were to die, his efforts would not have been in vain. Other characters (and the readers) will have learned and gained much by his trajectory.
And even though the series has a dark aspect to it, Rowling hasn't set it up in such a way that Harry paying the ultimate price would make sense, said Tim Morris, who teaches English at the University of Texas at Arlington.
"I don't get the sense that J.K. Rowling has set us up for that kind of sacrifice," he said. "The first six books haven't given a sense of that tragedy to me. It's generally hopeful."
Whited acknowledges that reader outrage would be high if Harry died, and that it might seem cruel to younger readers, who aren't familiar with classic literary story arcs.
"I'm sure J.K. Rowling would get some howlers if Harry Potter did not survive," she said.
But even if he lives, don't be surprised if it's a hard-fought victory, she said. Another aspect of the classic hero myth is that even if he wins, it's not without some loss.
"There are always sacrifices, compromises along the way," she said. "If Harry doesn't die, one of his friends will." Editor's Note: No no no no NO!!!!
Oldman Offers Harry Potter Nude Advice
Editor's Note: Is it just me, or does this kinda read like Oldman was sitting around naked, giving advice to teen boys?
He tells men's magazine Details, "I was nervous and I was a little bit worried... I talked to Gary Oldman about it, because we get on very well and I know he's been naked onstage. "I said to him, 'What's it like?' and he said, 'On the first night you'll be terrified and on the second night you'll be terrified, and after that you won't care.' "And that's absolutely true. When you've done it twice, it doesn't matter anymore." Radcliffe reveals he was so committed to the play and remembering his lines he didn't have to worry about getting an erection onstage during sex scenes with costar Joanna Christie.

He adds, "It's the least arousing process... Jo's beautiful, but after you've gone through it a hundred times with an audience there... To be honest, when you get naked in front of 900 people, quite the opposite happens."
The twisted economics of Harry Potter
The boy wizard brings both profit and pain to his business partners
By Diane Brady, Kerry Capell, and Joshua Vittor
Updated: 1:55 p.m. CT June 22, 2007
Call it the curse of Hogwarts. It turns out that — at least for some in the wizarding world — it's tough to make money out of magic. Harry Potter has fans clamoring in excitement as the seventh and last book in J.K. Rowling's hit series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, lands worldwide on July 21. With the fifth movie and the recent announcement of an Orlando theme-park attraction that could cost half a billion dollars, Pottermania is at an all-time high.
But what should be a pot of gold for Harry's business partners is turning into an empty cauldron for many of them. The most successful literary brand in recent history has made its author a billionaire, but others have not fared so well. Retailers, spellbound by the chance to reach millions of Potter-obsessed customers, are cost-cutting for market share to the point where many stand to lose money. For book publishers, the tsunami distorts results in Potter release years, creating wild share-price swings and a distraction from other parts of the business. Even Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., which has made billions off the Harry Potter movies, saw sales and profits drop last year and in the first quarter without a fresh Potter offering in the mix.
For booksellers, the source of the pain is mammoth retailers like Amazon.com, Wal-Mart, and Britain's ASDA chain, which have slashed prices by 50% to woo fans.
"It's like being in the trenches with the bullets flying over you," says Sonia Benster, owner of The Children's Bookshop in Huddersfield, England. Editor's Note: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that people who have actually been in a shooting situation would find this a bit overstated? Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos concedes that the company won't make a profit from the new Potter book. But he told shareholders that it has racked up more than 1 million pre-orders so far — and, Amazon hopes, plenty of new customers who will buy other books. Because of such struggles for a piece of the Potter pie, notes Simon Fox of Britain's HMV Group PLC, owner of the Waterstone's book chain, it's "hard to make money."
Independent booksellers can't even begin to compete on that scale. While many plan to fight back with special midnight parties — in the belief that it's no fun to wear a wizard hat in Wal-Mart — others are just opting out of the frenzy.
"I won't be open at midnight," says Bonnie Stuppin of San Francisco's Alexander Book Co. Instead, she'll personally drop off copies to a few customers at no extra cost between midnight and 6 a.m. "It's sad that what little profit the industry can make off Harry Potter is being stripped away," says Stuppin. "If I ran my business that way, I wouldn't be here."
Some booksellers who helped launch Potter in America, hosting signings with Rowling when she was starting out, are disillusioned.
"In the beginning it was great for us, but the discount has become more important," says Valerie Lewis of Hicklebee's in San Jose, Calif. To Peter Glassman, owner of Manhattan's Books of Wonder, selling Potter below cost is "analogous to downloading music and the impact that has on music stores."
Potter's two publishers, which have sold more than 350 million copies worldwide, face a different set of perils. Scholastic Corp., which has U.S. rights, will never speak ill of the boy wizard whose last book accounted for 8% of revenues and an estimated one-third of profits in the fiscal year that ended in May, 2006.
It's planning a record 12 million print run this time. But analyst Drew Crum of Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. says the children's book division often does better in off-Potter periods.
"The company tends to lose focus in a Harry Potter release year," says Crum. "They extend so much energy on one title," he adds, and not enough on fixing things like the company's flailing direct-to-home book business. Although there has been the usual pre-Potter run-up in the stock, Scholastic's share price is below where it was five years ago. With the Harry franchise about to end, Scholastic is focusing on share buybacks, international expansion, and repairing weaker parts of the business.
And the company says backlist editions of Potter could generate tens of millions in sales each year.Few face as gaping a hole with Harry's exit as its original publisher, Bloomsbury, which holds all rights to the titles outside the U.S.
Last year, while the world waited as Rowling said she was working away on Book 7 in Scottish cafés instead of her multiple homes, the publisher's profits collapsed by three-quarters, to $10.3 million, as revenues fell almost a third, to $148.6 million. Spooked at the prospect of a one-trick pony, investors have sent Bloomsbury's share price down about 40% in the last year — even as a guaranteed hit is about to reach store shelves.
Now with Britain's biggest bookmaker taking bets that Harry will get killed off in the last installment, the possibility looms that the figurehead of this brand won't even be "alive" soon. That could be a real drag for General Electric Co.'s Universal Parks & Resorts, which beat out rival Walt Disney Co. to build "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter" with Warner Bros. in its Orlando Park by late 2009. Editor's Note: Surely, with the investment being made in this theme park, JKR gave them SOME sort of assurances about how 'alive' the franchise would be?
doncha think?????
While it won't disclose the size of the investment, International Theme Park Services consultant Dennis Speigel predicts they could easily spend $500 million to get it right. The specter of a dead Harry could dampen some of the fun. But Universal Parks Chairman and CEO Tom William says the 20-acre attraction is "going to be a game-changer" and pledges to do "the biggest and best job on this as on any job we've ever taken." (MSNBC.com is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal, which is a GE company.)
In any case, it's easy to understand why the Potter brand is so seductive. Warner Bros. pumped out some disappointments last year, such as the thriller Lady in the Water, helping push movie revenues down by 17%. But Potter brings the magic all back. The company has made billions off the franchise and stands to make billions more as it rolls out movies and DVDs in the coming years.
Unlike bookstores, movie theaters don't slash admission prices when a new Potter film comes out. That said, the $974 million worldwide box office gross for the first Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) stands at 9% more than the $895 million gross for the most recent film in 2005, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. And that's amid rising ticket prices.
Even if Harry Potter leaves a trail of profit-starved vendors and Potter-addicted producers in its wake as the series wraps up next month, the infatuation is unlikely to die. That's what Emerson Spartz, founder of the popular fan site MuggleNet.com, is betting on.
Spartz, a University of Notre Dame sophomore who launched the site in 1999 at the age of 12, gets more than 1 million hits a day. He's now pulling in "a six-figure income" from ads and his best-seller, MuggleNet.com's What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7. He hopes to mimic the fan base that's grown around The Lord of the Rings and has no plans to close down the site.
"There will always be people who get into Harry Potter fresh and want to meet other new Harry Potter fans," says Spartz. Editor's Note: Time will tell...
Rowling reveals Harry Potter ending ... to husband

Reuters Photo: File picture shows author J.K. Rowling and her husband Neil Murray (L) arriving at theDominion cinema for the Edinburgh International Film Festival UK premiere of the film 'Snow Cake' in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 15, 2006
LONDON (Reuters) - J.K. Rowling has leaked the ending of the eagerly awaited last book of her Harry Potter series -- to her husband.
Speculation has been rife about who dies in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" since Rowling announced last year that at least two characters would be killed off.
She has given no clue as to who they were, and even Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays boy wizard Harry in the Hollywood adaptations of the books, has been kept in the dark ahead of the publication of the seventh installment on July 21.
"None of us get a preview," Radcliffe told a news conference on Friday to promote "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," the fifth in the film franchise.
"I think only J.K. Rowling's husband has recently found out what happens. I don't think anybody else knows."
The 17-year-old has previously said he hoped Potter would die at the end of the final book, but he was more cautious this time around.
"A couple of years ago I said I would like Harry to die because I think that is a conclusive ending. But I'm going to steer away from that now because the next day the headlines were 'Radcliffe Wants Harry Dead'," he said.
"I do think it would be fitting in a way, because when you consider the prophecy that was made about him and Voldemort, one of them has to go. I think he might, but that's based on absolutely nothing."
In the latest movie, Harry discovers he and his evil nemesis Voldemort cannot both survive, raising the possibility that one, or both of them could die in the end.
Publishers have gone to great lengths to protect the contents of the last Harry Potter book until its release, which promises to be one of the biggest events in publishing history.
More than 325 million copies of the first six books have been sold, and the four movies released to date have amassed around $3.5 billion (1.8 billion pounds) in worldwide ticket sales. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" hits cinemas in early July.
Earlier this week, a computer hacker posted what he said were key plot details that he gleaned by breaking into a computer at London-based Bloomsbury Publishing.
The publisher declined to comment on the claims.
Radcliffe said he was aware of the claim, but that he had not read the posting and would only read an original copy.
Emma Watson, who plays Harry's schoolmate Hermione Granger, said she hoped her character would survive.
"I'm sort of thinking that she's going to make it," she said. "I don't know why, but I think she's going to make it. I hope so."
She, Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, who plays Ron Weasley all said they hoped to continue acting once the Potter movie series was over, probably in 2010. But Grint said he had a backup plan if his career on screen and stage failed.
"Recently I got an ice cream van," he said. "If it doesn't work out I've still got the ice cream van."
Will knowing the ending keep 'Harry' fans from theaters?
The seventh and last book comes out shortly after the fourth movie sequel. Warner says it's not worried.
By Claudia EllerTimes Staff Writer
June 20, 2007
Warner Bros., the studio behind the "Harry Potter" blockbusters, could find itself in an awkward position when author J.K. Rowling lets the black cat out of the bag next month about the ultimate fate of her characters.
Ten days after the fifth installment, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," hits theaters July 11, the world will know what happens to the bespectacled boy wizard and the rest of his Hogwarts gang with the release of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," Rowling's seventh and final book in the series.
Last year Rowling revealed in interviews that she would kill off two characters and that one character "got a reprieve," never acknowledging whether Harry is among them. Potter fans have been rigorously debating on websites whether the British author will dare terminate the beloved star of what has become the biggest-selling series in literary history.
Warner doesn't expect any spoilers to hurt box-office sales of its upcoming film. Indeed, the flurry of publicity surrounding the release of a new movie and book could feed sales for both of them.
But there are two "Harry Potter" sequels to go over the next three years. Could knowing how it all ends dissuade moviegoers from turning out to see them?
Warner President Alan Horn said he wasn't worried."Whatever happens to Harry Potter, I would not anticipate it hurting the movie or future movies in any way," he said.Horn said that four months before the fourth film, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released in 2005, moviegoers had already learned in Rowling's sixth book that Albus Dumbledore -- headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- had died.
"And he was a beloved character," Horn said.
Horn also noted that James Cameron's 1997 "Titanic" was a blockbuster even though it was well known that the luxury liner sank, killing most of its passengers. And, Horn said, fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" knew the ending of the trilogy but still turned out in force for the films."Harry Potter" has been a global juggernaut for the Burbank studio.
Worldwide, the first four movies have grossed $3.5 billion and sold 167 million DVD and VHS units.Warner and parent Time Warner Inc. also amassed hundreds of millions more in profit from television, video game and merchandising sales, such as a Lego Hogwarts Castle that retails at $89.99.
Three weeks ago, Warner struck a major licensing deal with Universal Orlando Resort for a $200 million-plus Harry Potter theme park attraction in Florida that is expected to open in late 2009.
According to Rowling's U.S. publisher, Scholastic Inc., the books have sold 325 million copies in 200 countries in 65 languages. Of that total, 54.5 million were sold in the U.S. alone. The initial release of Rowling's upcoming book in the U.S. is 12 million copies -- the largest first printing in publishing history.
Warner is laying plans for its final two films. Horn said that "Harry Potter" star Daniel Radcliffe, who started the series at 11 and turns 18 next month, is committed to continuing in his role.
The sixth "Potter" is set to begin production in September for release in November 2008. The seventh film is scheduled for theaters in either the summer or the fall of 2010.
Daun Taubin, Warner's domestic marketing president, said that though devoted Potter fans, including her 15-year-old daughter, are sad that Rowling's popular fantasy stories are coming to an end, they can take solace that there's life beyond the books.
"The movies allow the stories to live on," Taubin said. "So fans can relive the experience in a different way."Diane Nelson, who has overseen "Harry Potter" brand management at Warner for the last eight years, said fans have always known much of the story lines and which characters die before they've seen the screen version, and that hasn't lessened their enthusiasm for the movies.
She contends that the books enhance the film franchise and Harry's popularity. A 2004 study that a Warner unit commissioned surveying 670 children found that 97% had seen at least one "Harry Potter" film.
"Fans get to enjoy the stories in their imaginations first and then they get to see them in the movie theater," Nelson said.
In the past, Rowling has offed key characters, including Hufflepuff Quidditch captain Cedric Diggory and Sirius Black of the once-notable Wizard family. Many readers were upset about Dumbledore's death scene atop the Astronomy Tower, with some devotees still insisting that he may have faked his own death and will return in the final book.
As for Harry himself, Rowling has not said whether he will survive.
At MuggleNet, a website devoted to all things Harry Potter, more than 42,250 messages have been posted dissecting the final novel. More than 1,100 messages alone have been posted under the discussion titled "Will Harry die in Deathly Hallows?"
The speculation tackles every possible scenario -- Harry dying, Harry coming back, Harry losing his powers, Harry marrying Ginny.
"If Harry dies, our window into Hogwarts & the magic world will close," wrote one 43-year-old fan under the name "lindaluna." But she added a theory: "I can see Harry as we know him not surviving."
Horn said even he had no idea what the new book had in store for Harry but was confident that fans would like it."Jo Rowling is a brilliant writer," he said."Whatever she does with Harry Potter will be dramatically powerful."
Harry Potter artist Mary GrandPre makes magic
Can you imagine being one of the very first people on the planet to read "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the final novel in the series by J.K. Rowling? Mary GrandPre, the illustrator for the American editions of the books, doesn't have to imagine, she is one of the lucky few. Reading the book is just part of her job.
GrandPre, who lives in Sarasota, Fla., says she got the manuscript for Book 7 in January. That means she's known how the story ends for about six months. Is it hard to keep the secret? Do friends, family members or kids at bookstore signings press her for details?
"Not really so much," GrandPre says. "I think people just know that I can't talk about it."
One question she gets a lot is: "Who's your favorite character?"
"Besides Harry, I would say Hagrid is my favorite character," GrandPre says. In fact, she has a dog named Chopper who reminds her of Hagrid and was her inspiration for the character.
Does she get a kick out of all the excitement created by the early release of the cover? "I think it's fun to see the reaction from people. The fans that are really diehard fans look very closely at the artwork," GrandPre says.
And they should. "I try to make everything have a meaning. There is a reason why something is in the illustration. I don't just put it in because it looks better. It really does have to have a meaning or part of the story has to support it."
Harry, Ron and Hermione have been a part of GrandPre's life for a long time — the first U.S. edition was published about 10 years ago. So how does she feel as the final book is about to be released? "Oh gosh, it's actually quite a big relief that it's done," she says.
Barnes & Noble Hosts the World's Largest Costume Party
More Than 700 Barnes & Noble Stores Nationwide to Host Midnight Magic Costume Parties on July 20 to Celebrate the Publication of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS - News), the world's largest bookseller, today announced that more than 700 Barnes & Noble stores across the country will host "Midnight Magic Costume Parties" on Friday, July 20. Stores will remain open late and sell the seventh and final book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, at the stroke of midnight, when it officially goes on sale.
Barnes & Noble welcomes Harry Potter fans to come dressed as their favorite Harry Potter characters and enjoy a magical evening filled with enchanting activities, spellbinding prizes, photo opportunities, unique items for sale and the chance to be among the first to take Harry home.
To find the Midnight Magic Costume Party near you, please visit www.bn.com/midnightmagic.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will sell for $20.99, 40 percent off the list price of $34.99.
Barnes & Noble Members can buy the book for $18.89, a savings of 46 percent. The compact disc and audiocassettes for the unabridged book will also be available. Customers can order the book at any Barnes & Noble store or online at Barnes & Noble.com (www.bn.com).
Join the excitement at the world's largest Harry Potter costume party and be one of the first to get your hands on the last book of this enormously popular series at Barnes & Noble's nationwide Midnight Magic Costume Parties.
Dumbledore's Army talk Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which opens in cinemas in July, sees Harry's school friends taking a more central role in the battle against the evil Lord Voldemort.
Calling itself Dumbledore's Army, the group meets in secret to learn how to battle the Dark Arts.
Actors Bonnie Wright, 16, (Ginny Weasley), Matthew Lewis, 17, (Neville Longbottom), Katie Leung, 19, (Cho Chang) and newcomer Evanna Lynch, 15, (Luna Lovegood) are all members of the Army.
They talk to BBC News about being fans of the schoolboy wizard, and what it is like being part of the Potter phenomenon.
Bonnie: I am definitely as fanatical as many of the other fans out there. I really enjoy the books and I can't wait for the last one.
Evanna: When I was about eight I was stuck in a phase of reading Tintin books but my mum wanted me to read something else. She said "there is this great book called Harry Potter", but I said I didn't want to read about a boy with glasses - I just thought it sounded silly.
Then she read me a chapter and I took it from her, because I loved it - and Tintin took the bottom shelf.
Matthew: I've been acting since I was five, doing Heartbeat and that kind of thing, and when I got to the age of 11 I had already read the books - I was a massive fan.
I heard they were making a film and I just wanted to be in it in some way. Even just as an extra, it would have been perfect.
Bonnie: I heard they were auditioning, and I think it was more a case of "why not go for it?".
I always really enjoyed being in school plays, and the teamwork involved, but when I went I suppose I never really thought I'd get the role. After I got it there was a moment when I thought "can I do this?".
Evanna: I saw a poster advertising open auditions for Luna. Also I had sent tapes to the casting agent saying that I wanted to play her.
When they told me I had it, I couldn't believe it... I was waiting for her to call back and say: "I was only joking!"
I had to keep it quiet for a few days, but when I told my friends they were very, very excited.
Matthew: I took a day off school to go to the open audition in Leeds.
I was in there about two minutes and read a paragraph from the book. About two or three months later they asked me to come down to London for a recall for Neville Longbottom.
From getting to meet Chris Columbus [director of the first two films], to having a screen test, to actually getting the part happened in the space of about two or three days. To get that call was just great. I was jumping up and down on the sofa going crazy.
Matthew: I love comedy, I love making people laugh - but what I really loved this year was tackling the emotional side of Neville.
That was a big challenge for me because Neville has always been a light-hearted, humorous character and I have never had to do anything as deep and emotional as that before.
Katie: Kissing Harry! I was so worried it was going to go wrong and that we would bang heads or something.
I think it was more awkward beforehand knowing it was going to come up, but we had a chat beforehand and had a laugh, asking each other if we'd brushed our teeth.
Bonnie: It has definitely made me more confident. When I was younger - I started when I was nine - I was very timid and shy. We have all grown up in it together and are really comfortable with each other.
Matthew: Some of us shave now! We come in and the make-up ladies say 'I'm sick of shaving you, will you just do it before you come in?'.
Even if it's just a little bit of bum fluff they have to get rid of it.
Bonnie: Sometimes I get recognised and I don't think you can ever get used to that.
It is always in places you don't expect. You can be on holiday and someone randomly comes up to you. It has made me aware of how big the audience is for Harry Potter.
Matthew: The things I have experienced and the places I have been are just incredible.
I have to spend a lot of time away from home, so I miss my friends a lot. I get quite homesick, but the pros just outweigh the cons.
When I go to parties back home, my friends say "guess what, he's in Harry Potter" because it's a great good way of getting in with girls.
It's a good way to start a conversation but I like to quickly get away from it. There's a little bit more to me than just Harry Potter.
Katie: I had a lot of positive feedback, fan-mail and stuff. I don't get recognised very often, if anything I'm just more confident now. I used to be really shy so it's a really good thing.
Editor's Note: OddBob gets the last word (as ever....)
Quidditch steroid tester
Big, Tall and Giant tailor
Dementor recruiter ("Kill all that you can kill")
Fan grief counselor
Erotic Snape charmer
Death Eater nutritional counselor
Grand Imperial Wizard (South Hogwarts only)
Automatic SpellChecker
Director, Department of Warrant-less Owl-Tapping, Ministry of Magic
Hat Sharpener
Recruiter for alternative Montessori Wizard's School
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and the Number 1 New Job in the Harry Potter Universe...
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