Friday Star Wars Pictures

Director of Photography Gilbert Taylor and other members of the Star Wars crew scope out the Matmata location that will become the Lars Homestead.

The conference room aboard the Tantive IV definitely has some 1970s retro sci-fi appeal.

Marc Gabbana illustrates a whimsical design for a mixer droid for Dex's Diner.

C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 would rather not mingle with the other guests at this particular party.

According to these comparative sketches by Joe Johnston, an X-wing is 12.5 meters long, the Millennium Falcon is about 30 meters, the Rebel blockade runner about 48.5 meters, and the Star Destroyer is about 575 meters. Luke's landspeeder is whited out of the diagram.EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS SORT OF DETAILED ARCANA MAKES ME FLUSH WITH EXCITEMENT. (SADLY, TRUE)

The standard infantry trooper of the 212th Attack Battalion has orange markings and reports to Clone Commander Cody.

Only briefly glimpsed in Episode III is the Utapaun P-38 starfighter, a vessel that has a counterpart, at least in name, on our planet.

This painting by Erik Tiemens studies the qualities of a Coruscant sunset on Padmé Amidala. EDITOR'S NOTE: IT DOESN'T LOOK ALL THAT MUCH LIKE NATALIE PORTMAN, BUT IT SURE IS A PRETTY PIC.

This status screen from the Mustafar complex control room tracks the stability of the collection plant's all-important shield generators.

Director of Photography Gilbert Taylor and other members of the Star Wars crew scope out the Matmata location that will become the Lars Homestead.

The conference room aboard the Tantive IV definitely has some 1970s retro sci-fi appeal.

Marc Gabbana illustrates a whimsical design for a mixer droid for Dex's Diner.

C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 would rather not mingle with the other guests at this particular party.

According to these comparative sketches by Joe Johnston, an X-wing is 12.5 meters long, the Millennium Falcon is about 30 meters, the Rebel blockade runner about 48.5 meters, and the Star Destroyer is about 575 meters. Luke's landspeeder is whited out of the diagram.EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS SORT OF DETAILED ARCANA MAKES ME FLUSH WITH EXCITEMENT. (SADLY, TRUE)

The standard infantry trooper of the 212th Attack Battalion has orange markings and reports to Clone Commander Cody.

Only briefly glimpsed in Episode III is the Utapaun P-38 starfighter, a vessel that has a counterpart, at least in name, on our planet.

This painting by Erik Tiemens studies the qualities of a Coruscant sunset on Padmé Amidala. EDITOR'S NOTE: IT DOESN'T LOOK ALL THAT MUCH LIKE NATALIE PORTMAN, BUT IT SURE IS A PRETTY PIC.

This status screen from the Mustafar complex control room tracks the stability of the collection plant's all-important shield generators.
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