Harry makes me Happy
Quotes from new Jo Rowling interview
The Radio Times magazine has published some excerpts from the recently conducted interview with JK Rowling and Stephen Fry, which can be seen below.
SF: Is it really true that you've got it [the end of the story] all planned out?
JKR: Yes, I do know what's going to happen in the end. And occasionally I get cold shivers when someone guesses at something that's very close, and then I panic and I think "Oh, is it very obvious?" and then someone says something that's so off the wall that I think "No, it's clearly not that obvious!"So much that happens in [book] six relates to what happens in [book] seven.
In six, although there is an ending that could be seen as definitive in one sense, you very strongly feel the plot is not over this time and it will continue. It's an odd feeling, for the first time I'm very aware that I'm finishing.EDITOR'S NOTE: SNIFFLE. AND WOOHOO! (ALL AT ONCE)
SF: You've not held back from the difficult and the frightening [in your fiction].
JKR: I feel very strongly that there is a move to sanitise literature because we're trying to protect children not from, necessarily, the grisly facts of life but from their own imaginations... And the child that has been protected from Dementors in fiction, I would argue, is much more likely to fall prey to them later in life in reality. EDITOR'S NOTE: NOT TO MENTION, HOW MANY ACCOUNTANTS AND BANKERS DOES THE WORLD REALLY NEED, FOR PETE'S SAKE!
SF: Do you imagine you'll write for children the next time you write something new?
JKR: Truthfully, I don't know. There is another children's book that's sort of mouldering in a cupboard that I quite like which is for slightly younger children I would say. But there are other things I'd like to write, too. But I think I'll need to find a good pseudonym and do it all secretly because I'm very frightened of the unbearable hype that would attend a post-Harry Potter book. I'm not sure I look forward to that at all. EDITOR'S NOTE: BUT SEND WE LOYAL DWEEBFOLK A SIGN, SO WE CAN FOLLOW YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, PLEASE?
Harry Potter offered new tax break to stay in UK
Dan Milmo and Jane MartinsonTuesday December 6, 2005
Gordon Brown attempted to lure Hollywood back to the UK yesterday with new tax break proposals for film productions.
Uncertainty over the shape of the incoming tax regime has disrupted the British film industry over the past year, forcing the collapse of several projects and leading to a number of Hollywood productions taking their shoots elsewhere. Projects such as Troy, Alexander and Batman Begins EDITOR'S NOTE: CAN'T REALLY BLAME THE BRITS FOR THOSE FIRST TWO, RIGHT? have all been shot at UK studios in recent years as US media groups took advantage of benevolent tax codes.
However, the Treasury put the system under review last year and ordered the shutting of several tax loopholes. The most high-profile casualty was the latest James Bond film, Casino Royale, which will base most of its studio filming in Prague rather than Pinewood studios outside London. The next instalment in the Harry Potter series is also in danger of being lost to eastern Europe, according to the film's producers.
The chancellor unveiled his new proposals in the pre-budget report yesterday. They offer producers of a film costing more than £20m - typically a Hollywood-backed project - a tax credit that will hand them a rebate worth 16% of the budget.
The UK Film Council, the government-backed organisation that represents the British film industry, is understood to have requested a 14.5% rebate from the Treasury. In a further proposal aimed at British-financed films, productions with a spend of less than £20m will get a 20% tax credit.
The film industry yesterday welcomed the new tax credits, which will be introduced next April. John Woodward, chief executive of the UK Film Council, said: "Today's announcement by the chancellor is the best news the British film industry has received for five years. It marks a new era for the future growth of our industry which operates in a highly competitive global marketplace."
Pact, the trade body for independent producers, also welcomed the proposals but stressed the need for certainty to enable film producers to make long-term commitments. Tim Willis, head of film at Pact, called Gordon Brown a "friend of the film industry".
British film contributes more than £3bn a year to the UK economy. The peak year in terms of production spending was 2003, when more than £1bn was spent on making British films.
James Purnell, minister for the creative industries, said a new tax regime would be the cornerstone of a "film policy MOT" being conducted by the government and the UK Film Council. The study is expected to publish its conclusions early next year. "Support isn't limited to tax alone and we will continue to work closely with the British filmmakers to nurture and support our vibrant industry," he said.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport also released final proposals for a "cultural test" that will be applied to film productions to determine whether they will qualify for the tax credits. Under the test, a production will have to fulfil a number of criteria, from casting British actors to using British locations. EDITOR'S NOTE: OH DEAR. I MEAN, THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE THE FRENCH, AT THIS POINT. (WITH THE CATERING NOT AS GOOD, OF COURSE)
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005
Jim Dale nominated for a GRAMMY
Jim Dale, narrator of the US audio books, has been nominated for a GRAMMY in the category of "Best Spoken Word Album for Children" for his work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Dale previously won a GRAMMY in 2000 for the Goblet of Fire. The awards will take place in Los Angeles on February 8th and will be broadcast later that day. EDITOR'S NOTE: OK...IS IT TIME TO GO AHEAD AND SPLURGE ON BOOK 6 TAPES? (JIM DALE ROCKS!)
Julie Walters returning for OOTP
The actress who played Mrs. Weasley in the first three Harry Potter films has confirmed in an interview with FilmFocus.co.uk that she will reprise her role in the fifth movie. EDITOR'S NOTE: YIPPEE!!!!
"I really can't wait. Will you write to them and tell them that I'm indispensable? But, yes, it looks like I'm doing number five."
She added how she felt disappointed she wasn't in GOF: "I'm so glad to hear you say you were disappointed I wasn't in Goblet of Fire, because I was disappointed as well! I went out to see it and I wasn't there - I was shocked!" EDITOR'S NOTE: YEAH...THEY NEEDED JUST A LITTLE MORE TIME AT THE WEASELY BURROW WITH MRS. W FRONT-AND-CENTER. (MR. AND MRS. W ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE!)

Quotes from new Jo Rowling interview
The Radio Times magazine has published some excerpts from the recently conducted interview with JK Rowling and Stephen Fry, which can be seen below.
SF: Is it really true that you've got it [the end of the story] all planned out?
JKR: Yes, I do know what's going to happen in the end. And occasionally I get cold shivers when someone guesses at something that's very close, and then I panic and I think "Oh, is it very obvious?" and then someone says something that's so off the wall that I think "No, it's clearly not that obvious!"So much that happens in [book] six relates to what happens in [book] seven.
In six, although there is an ending that could be seen as definitive in one sense, you very strongly feel the plot is not over this time and it will continue. It's an odd feeling, for the first time I'm very aware that I'm finishing.EDITOR'S NOTE: SNIFFLE. AND WOOHOO! (ALL AT ONCE)
SF: You've not held back from the difficult and the frightening [in your fiction].
JKR: I feel very strongly that there is a move to sanitise literature because we're trying to protect children not from, necessarily, the grisly facts of life but from their own imaginations... And the child that has been protected from Dementors in fiction, I would argue, is much more likely to fall prey to them later in life in reality. EDITOR'S NOTE: NOT TO MENTION, HOW MANY ACCOUNTANTS AND BANKERS DOES THE WORLD REALLY NEED, FOR PETE'S SAKE!
SF: Do you imagine you'll write for children the next time you write something new?
JKR: Truthfully, I don't know. There is another children's book that's sort of mouldering in a cupboard that I quite like which is for slightly younger children I would say. But there are other things I'd like to write, too. But I think I'll need to find a good pseudonym and do it all secretly because I'm very frightened of the unbearable hype that would attend a post-Harry Potter book. I'm not sure I look forward to that at all. EDITOR'S NOTE: BUT SEND WE LOYAL DWEEBFOLK A SIGN, SO WE CAN FOLLOW YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH, PLEASE?
Harry Potter offered new tax break to stay in UK
Dan Milmo and Jane MartinsonTuesday December 6, 2005
Gordon Brown attempted to lure Hollywood back to the UK yesterday with new tax break proposals for film productions.
Uncertainty over the shape of the incoming tax regime has disrupted the British film industry over the past year, forcing the collapse of several projects and leading to a number of Hollywood productions taking their shoots elsewhere. Projects such as Troy, Alexander and Batman Begins EDITOR'S NOTE: CAN'T REALLY BLAME THE BRITS FOR THOSE FIRST TWO, RIGHT? have all been shot at UK studios in recent years as US media groups took advantage of benevolent tax codes.
However, the Treasury put the system under review last year and ordered the shutting of several tax loopholes. The most high-profile casualty was the latest James Bond film, Casino Royale, which will base most of its studio filming in Prague rather than Pinewood studios outside London. The next instalment in the Harry Potter series is also in danger of being lost to eastern Europe, according to the film's producers.
The chancellor unveiled his new proposals in the pre-budget report yesterday. They offer producers of a film costing more than £20m - typically a Hollywood-backed project - a tax credit that will hand them a rebate worth 16% of the budget.
The UK Film Council, the government-backed organisation that represents the British film industry, is understood to have requested a 14.5% rebate from the Treasury. In a further proposal aimed at British-financed films, productions with a spend of less than £20m will get a 20% tax credit.
The film industry yesterday welcomed the new tax credits, which will be introduced next April. John Woodward, chief executive of the UK Film Council, said: "Today's announcement by the chancellor is the best news the British film industry has received for five years. It marks a new era for the future growth of our industry which operates in a highly competitive global marketplace."
Pact, the trade body for independent producers, also welcomed the proposals but stressed the need for certainty to enable film producers to make long-term commitments. Tim Willis, head of film at Pact, called Gordon Brown a "friend of the film industry".
British film contributes more than £3bn a year to the UK economy. The peak year in terms of production spending was 2003, when more than £1bn was spent on making British films.
James Purnell, minister for the creative industries, said a new tax regime would be the cornerstone of a "film policy MOT" being conducted by the government and the UK Film Council. The study is expected to publish its conclusions early next year. "Support isn't limited to tax alone and we will continue to work closely with the British filmmakers to nurture and support our vibrant industry," he said.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport also released final proposals for a "cultural test" that will be applied to film productions to determine whether they will qualify for the tax credits. Under the test, a production will have to fulfil a number of criteria, from casting British actors to using British locations. EDITOR'S NOTE: OH DEAR. I MEAN, THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE THE FRENCH, AT THIS POINT. (WITH THE CATERING NOT AS GOOD, OF COURSE)
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005
Jim Dale nominated for a GRAMMY
Jim Dale, narrator of the US audio books, has been nominated for a GRAMMY in the category of "Best Spoken Word Album for Children" for his work on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Dale previously won a GRAMMY in 2000 for the Goblet of Fire. The awards will take place in Los Angeles on February 8th and will be broadcast later that day. EDITOR'S NOTE: OK...IS IT TIME TO GO AHEAD AND SPLURGE ON BOOK 6 TAPES? (JIM DALE ROCKS!)
Julie Walters returning for OOTP
The actress who played Mrs. Weasley in the first three Harry Potter films has confirmed in an interview with FilmFocus.co.uk that she will reprise her role in the fifth movie. EDITOR'S NOTE: YIPPEE!!!!
"I really can't wait. Will you write to them and tell them that I'm indispensable? But, yes, it looks like I'm doing number five."
She added how she felt disappointed she wasn't in GOF: "I'm so glad to hear you say you were disappointed I wasn't in Goblet of Fire, because I was disappointed as well! I went out to see it and I wasn't there - I was shocked!" EDITOR'S NOTE: YEAH...THEY NEEDED JUST A LITTLE MORE TIME AT THE WEASELY BURROW WITH MRS. W FRONT-AND-CENTER. (MR. AND MRS. W ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE!)

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