Woe is MOI...and other lame excuses for not posting
US Episode III Tickets Selling Out
As Yoda would say "Sold out, the first shows are" -- for "Star Wars: Episode Three: Revenge of the Sith" at a major theater complex in Hollywood.
Tickets for the new "Star Wars" movie went on sale Friday at many theaters across the country and at on-line providers like Fandango.com.
Fandango represents about 70% of the country's movie houses that have remote ticket sales. And, while they don't yet have "Star Wars" figures from the weekend, Fandango's CEO had said "for those theaters already listing show times, the appetite for tickets is huge."
Edwards Theaters - (Mr. K writes):All Regal Entertainment Group theatres (Regal Cinemas, Edwards Theatres, United Artist Theatres, Hoyts Cinemas) that are booked with ROTS are selling advanced tickets April 15th. As far as I know (at least for the region I work for) all theatres booked with ROTS will be having the midnight screening.
The Next Dimension
George Lucas plans 3-D versions of all six ''Star Wars'' movies -- First converted film will come out in 2007
The May 19 premiere of Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith should have Darth Vader declaring, ''The circle is now complete.'' But suddenly it's clear that even long after the loose ends of the Skywalker saga are tied up, the Force will still be with us.
On March 17, at the movie industry's ShoWest convention, George Lucas announced that he'll convert all six Star Wars movies to 3-D and rerelease them one per year starting in 2007. EDITOR'S NOTE: GIDDY GIGGLING! It's a strategy that stands to send Death Star blasts through both Lucas' excitable fan base and the bottom-line-conscious motion picture industry.
Star Wars has always popularized cinematic innovations, from old-school special effects to digital production. And with 3-D, Lucas could draw another generation to the series, boosting its $3 billion global...
'Star Wars' Fans Line Up at Wrong Theater
"Star Wars" fans will have to find the right theater before they can leave for the dark side.
Seven weeks before its release, "Star Wars" fanatics started lining up outside Grauman's Chinese Theater for the sixth installment of the popular George Lucas movie series. The vigil began Saturday.
But there's a problem: "Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith" won't be showing at the Hollywood landmark when the movie is released May 19. The studio, 20th Century Fox, opted instead to open the film a mile away at the ArcLight theater.
Still, the resolute "Star Wars" die-hards aren't moving on. Beneath a makeshift awning, 11 people refused to relinquish their spots in line.
"We've heard all this before," fan Sarah Sprague said, noting there were plenty of rumors in 1999 and 2002 that previous "Star Wars" movies weren't opening at the Chinese Theater. The rumors were false and the films were shown there.
Fox and the ArcLight haven't completed their "Star Wars" deal, but executives on both sides told Daily Variety "Revenge of the Sith" will play at the ArcLight, not the Chinese.
Yet Sprague was adamant the line wouldn't be moving to the ArcLight.
"This is still the epicenter for `Star Wars' fans. For the big iconic pictures of the 1970s, people lining up were here. They weren't at the Cinerama Dome (at the ArcLight)," Sprague said. EDITOR'S NOTE: TAKING FIRM CONVICTION TO ITS ILLOGICAL CONCLUSION. (I MEAN, IF ACTUALLY SEEING THE MOVIE IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL).
Lucas' final "Star Wars" chapter spells out the last dark steps the once goodhearted young Anakin Skywalker takes to become the villain Darth Vader.
AICN Reports PG-13 Rating for ROTS
AICN are reporting that 'Revenge of the Sith' has been given a PG-13 rating from the MPAA for "sci-fi violence and some intense images".
It has been widely reported that George Lucas expects a PG-13 rating for the film, but keep an eye on the MPAA website and FilmRatings.com for the official announcement
STAR WARS Theme to be a Single
Reuters is reporting that the next STAR WARS theme tune will be released as a single, the first time music from the long-running epic has been released in that format.
It is composed by five-time Oscar winner John Williams and depicts the fateful struggle between Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker and his mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi. Williams conducted the London Symphony Orchestra to record this choral and orchestral piece.
SonyBMG will release "Battle of the Heroes" on May 23.
Star Wars in National Recording Registry
The original Star Wars soundtrack has been chosen as one of the 50 recordings to be added to the 2004 National Recording Registry.
The Library of Congress reports:Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has made his annual selection of 50 sound recordings for the National Recording Registry.
Under the terms of the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, the Librarian is responsible for annually selecting recordings that are "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." Registry recordings must be at least 10 years old.
In announcing the registry, the Librarian said, "Once again, we have the opportunity to celebrate the rich variety of music recorded in the United States and the importance of sound recording in our lives."
Here's what's written about the Star Wars soundtrack:
47. "Star Wars" (soundtrack), John Williams (1977)This soundtrack score has been credited with reviving symphonic film scores in Hollywood motion pictures. The recording was a best-seller, its themes well remembered and often quoted. When the blockbuster motion picture was released in 1977, home video did not exist. It was the soundtrack recording that enabled audiences to evoke images from the film in their living rooms.
'Battle of the Heroes' at iTunes Store
'Battle of the Heroes' from the "Revenge of the Sith" soundtrack is currently available to download at the iTunes music store. EDITOR'S NOTE: I THINK AN I-TUNES VISIT IS IN MY FUTURE!
TV A: "Tragedy"This emotional look at Anakin's fall will begin airing this weekend and is among the first television spots to kick-off promotion of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/release/trailer/tv_tragedy.html EDITOR'S NOTE: IF YOU FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THIS TV AD, YOU WILL SEE ALL THE TV ADS DOWN THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE.
TV Ad: "Teaser"This accelerated version of the Episode III teaser trailer will begin airing this weekend and is among the first television spots to kick-off promotion of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
TV Ad: "Dark Side Unleashed"This action packed journey to the dark side will begin airing this weekend and is among the first television spots to kick-off promotion of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
TV Ad: "Unite"On May 19th, the Jedi must unite to fight the age-old battle against the evil Sith Lord and his new apprentice, Darth Vader.
TV Ad: "Jedi Action 2"On May 19th, the Jedi will face the ultimate challenge. This fast-paced spot is in a second wave of television promotion beginning this week for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
TV Ad: "Jedi Action 1"On May 19th, the Jedi fight the ultimate battle. This kid-friendly spot is in a second wave of television promotion beginning this week for Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
TV Ad: Cingular Star Wars RingtonesGo behind the scenes as Chewbacca attempts to lay down the perfect ringtone sounds for Cingular customers to celebrate the saga this summer.
TV Ad: Pringles "Win the Jedi Challenge"A Star Wars and Pringles fan in the U.K. pops the top to find a Jedi weapon... but even a chip-laden lightsaber may not be enough to stop a hungry Wookiee.
Stover RotS Novel e-Signing
The Signed Page is currently offering copies of the Revenge of the Sith novel signed by Matthew Stover for those of you who can't make it to one of his upcoming appearances (or those of you who just don't like leaving the house).
The signing won't take place until the end of April, however, so be ready for a wait.
Fantasy Writer Gets a Touch of 'Star Wars'
NEW YORK - For much of April, fantasy writer Matthew Woodring Stover will be on a book tour that should require only two words to bring in hundreds of fans at each stop: "Star Wars."
"Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith," which spells out the last dark steps the once goodhearted, young Anakin Skywalker takes to become the villain Darth Vader, opens in theaters May 19. The film brings full circle the mammoth sci-fi saga director George Lucas began in 1977 with "Star Wars."
But those who want a "Sith" fix right away can read Stover's book, a novelized version of the script published by Del Ray, an imprint of Random House, Inc. Most "novelizations" are issued in paperback, but Del Ray has enough confidence in "Revenge of the Sith" to release it in hardcover, with an announced first printing of 650,000 — far bigger than the tie-ins to such hits as "Men in Black." EDITOR'S NOTE: WELL, DUH.
"This is a blockbuster, even by blockbuster standards," says Micha Hershman, a buyer for the superstore chain Borders Group Inc. "I think it's because of the story. This is what everybody has been waiting for, the return of Darth Vader, the real Darth Vader." EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M THINKING THAT PERSON IS USING THE FORCE TO BE SO WISE? (I'M ALSO THINKING THAT PERSON IS NOT MUCH OF A....UMM...READER).
Since the first "Star Wars" film, a veritable galaxy of related products has grown around it, from online video games to a "Supreme Edition Chewbacca Adult Costume." In publishing, few other movies can claim such a franchise. Between novelizations, spin-off series and other titles, more than 70 million "Star Wars" books are in print, according to Howard Roffman, president of Lucas Licensing. EDITOR'S NOTE: AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I ONLY HAVE A SMALL FRACTION OF 70 MILLION OF THEM IN MY COLLECTION.
Like other novelizations, Stover's book was made possible through close cooperation among the author, the publisher and the filmmakers. Stover began writing the novel in the fall of 2003 and finished the following summer. Revisions were dictated both by the editing process, including a line-by-line review by Lucas, and by changes in the script itself.
"What you had was primarily alteration in the order of certain scenes," Stover says, "although in the beginning of the film, there were several events removed that I had spent a long time trying to shoe horn into the novel. But they were removed for a very good reason: They didn't fit."
Stover acknowledges that the novel gives away much of the film's story, but doesn't worry that fans will be satisfied by the book alone. He considers "Star Wars" a modern myth, less about a surprise plot twist than about the experience, shared with millions, of seeing a story told over and over.
"Look at how much we know already: We know that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader. We know that the republic falls and becomes the empire. We know that Anakin is horribly burned and can only survive by being encased in the armor that enables him to live as Darth Vader," Stover says. EDITOR'S NOTE: ALL THE SAME, I AIN'T READIN IT TILL AFTER I SEE THE MOVIE!
Numerous fantasy writers have written "Star Wars" novels, including James Luceno, whose "Labyrinth of Evil" is a prequel to "Episode III," and R.A. Salvatore, who wrote the novelization of "Episode II."EDITOR'S NOTE: FEH! Stover himself has written a "Star Wars" spinoff book, "Shatterpoint."
"Star Wars" is far greater than any one "novelizer," but writers do leave their own marks. According to Howard Roffman, Stover brought a dark touch appropriate to "Revenge of the Sith" and an appreciation of the characters' inner lives.
"For `Episode I' and `Episode II,' the novels expanded upon the story in the film," Roffman says. "For this film, Matthew thought it would be more interesting to get into the heads of the characters. `Episode III' is so much more about character motivation."
Stover, 43, grew up in Illinois and is a Chicago resident who saw the first "Star Wars" movie at least 20 times in movie theaters alone and "The Empire Strikes Back" 28 times, on a 70 mm print. He has written several books, including "The Blade of Tyshalle," "Iron Dawn" and "Jericho Moon."
He acknowledges that "Revenge of the Sith" is "Lucas' baby" and that writing the book will not bring him blockbuster wealth, at least right away: Stover says he received an advance just under $100,000 and a royalty scale he describes as "small."
"But it raises my profile in a way no other single project could," says Stover, whose other books have only sold a fraction of his "Star Wars" fiction. "This takes me from being a respected, but little-known fantasy writer to being one of the best known fantasy writers in America. That's something you can't figure in dollars and cents."
Premiere Gets Its Revenge This May
And so it begins. Time for Star Wars magazine cover collector’s to start checking the racks on a daily basis. EDITOR'S NOTE: BEING AN OBSESSIVE/COMPULSIVE IS SO EXHAUSTING. SIGH....With the last movie virtually on our doorsteps –hard to believe, isn’t it?-- magazines are chomping at the bit to cover what will hopefully go down in history as the best Star Wars episode ever. Leading the pack, as usual, is Premiere, who will release a cover featuring Anakin that completes the collection they started in 1999 with their four Episode I covers.
It's a well-known fact that movie stars are smaller in the flesh than they appear on the big screen. (In actuality, J. Lo's booty, for example, isn't much bigger than most women's.) So you can just imagine how little space Natalie Portman—an itsy bit of a girl even on celluloid—takes up in person. Sitting in a café in Berlin, where she's filming the Wachowski brothers' V for Vendetta, the 23-year-old actress is all big eyes and tiny fingers, delicacy incarnate.
"Physically, I haven't really changed since I was 13," she admits, patting down her messily ponytailed hair, which is still a bit traumatized after being teased into a bouffant for her W photo shoot. "I have shoes from Beautiful Girls that I still wear!"
Being small can be a hassle. She recently went to London to do reshoots for the third Star Wars prequel, which arrives in theaters in May, and a customs official, peering down at the makeup-less, elfin figure before him, asked her if she was traveling with a guardian.
"And," she adds, "I get asked for I.D. when I order a drink in England—where the drinking age is 18!"
But most of the time, Portman sees her preternatural petiteness as an asset. "You can use it to your advantage," she says. "It's like how women have an advantage in war in some ways because they're perceived as being weak."
It's that sort of self-aware statement you'd expect to hear from one of the wise-beyond-her-years characters that Portman is known for playing. And the sentiment rings true: At five feet three and a size zero, she's easy to underestimate, but this featherweight is far tougher than she appears.
Her schedule, for starters, is not for the faint of heart. Just last week she was filming a movie in Israel. On the final day of shooting, she went directly from the set to the airport to catch a plane to Los Angeles for the Oscars. The morning after the ceremony, she was bound for Berlin, where she was scheduled to start filming her next project five days later, after somehow squeezing in a press conference, a full-day photo shoot, this interview and several intense sessions with her dialogue coach, who was teaching her how to speak with a convincing British lilt for the film. Things have been raahther busy, as Portman, who has been trying out her new accent for the past month, would say. EDITOR'S NOTE: ISN'T THIS ARTICLE JUST PRECIOUS? GAG.
Perhaps because she's been doing it for so long, Portman seems to prefer living life with an overcrammed calendar.
"It's always been school, work, school, work," she says.
After graduating from Harvard in 2003 (she majored in psychology and was, by all accounts, an excellent student), she did take an extended vacation but found loafing around Long Island, where she was raised and bought a waterfront home two years ago, mind-numbing.
"All of a sudden, not to have a schedule, it was a shock," she says. After a few weeks of whiling away the hours until her friends got off work ("My friends are from school," she points out, "not actors"), she signed up for daily ballet classes. When that didn't satisfy her, she started studying Spanish. "I was at Berlitz on Long Island and doing those tapes in the car!" she says, laughing at her type A tendencies.
Portman also ended up getting more involved with the Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), a charity that provides small-business loans to women in developing countries. She's traveled to Uganda and Guatemala with the group, which she became associated with through Jordan's Queen Rania, a particular idol of hers.
But ultimately, she says, "I decided to go back to school because I was going stir-crazy." This time she chose Hebrew University over Harvard, relocating to Jerusalem in spring 2004 and enrolling in graduate courses in Hebrew, Arabic, Islamic history and anthropology—"The Anthropology of Violence," to be exact. ("It has to do with the way violence is expressed and reacted to in different cultures," she explains.)
The choice to spend almost a year living in Israel—where she also did a Hebrew-language film, Free Zone, with director Amos Gitai—is a brave one, even for someone like Portman, who was born in Jerusalem and lived there until she was three. Most Americans have avoided the country altogether since the advent of renewed tensions. But for Portman, who rented an apartment near the Old City, the decision felt both natural and necessary. "When you care so much about the situation and you read everything about it and you have opinions about it, you start to wonder, How can I really know anything when I'm not there?" she says.
Portman's stay in Jerusalem coincided with a time of hopeful developments—most notably the elections, cease-fire and peace talks that came in the wake of Yasser Arafat's passing. "During this whole intifada everyone's been really, really pessimistic and sort of accepting that this is the way it's going to be forever," she says. "But I really did feel an incredible sense of hope there for the first time in a long time."
Still, even at its most serene, Jerusalem is a far cry from sleepy suburban Long Island. "It felt safe," she says, "but obviously you always think about it. Every time you're in a crowded place, you're like, s---! Maybe this could be bad." She dealt with the fear, she says, by taking calculated risks: She'd go to nightclubs with security checks, but wouldn't ride a city bus.
Though she never found herself in harm's way, Portman was involved in at least one headline-making incident during the time she spent in the country of her birth. While filming a scene for Free Zone the last month she was there, she incited the ire of a group of ultra-Orthodox men by kissing her male costar in an area behind the Wailing Wall, a holy spot where men and women aren't even supposed to pray next to one another. When asked about the incident, Portman is contrite but still seems surprised by the intensity of the anger.
"I was sleeping five hours a night and we were running from location to location and making up the story as we went along," she says. "There's a scene where my arms are uncovered and I'm very close to the guy. People got upset and we moved to another place. It was just crazy because they were calling us Nazis, and I think that's a little much."
What's most interesting about the Wall incident is not so much the fact that it happened but that it represents one of the very few times that Portman has actually seen her name in the gossips.
Her decade in the limelight has been notably free of the nipple slips, petty feuds and dramatic public breakups that have plagued many other twentysomething starlets. Part of it is that she's not really the type for tequila-fueled grinding on tabletops (this is, after all, someone who says she was admonished as a child for finishing her newly purchased books on the way home from the bookstore), but she's also been careful—extremely careful—about maintaining her privacy.
She answers questions about her rumored romances (she's been linked to Gael García Bernal and has been spotted recently, at the Oscars after-parties and elsewhere, with a smoldering Israeli actor named Liron Levo) with a downward look and a firm "I don't talk about my personal life." And you won't catch her on the red carpet holding hands with a date anytime soon either.
"There's something about being that exposed to strangers that always struck me as a real neediness, and I've never felt that needy," she says when asked why she's adopted such a guarded stance. "I've had moments of feeling that neediness. If something really horrible happens in my life, all of a sudden I understand why people want to go on TV and be confessional about everything. Because sometimes, when you're in a hard place, you just want to tell someone. You think maybe a stranger will have an answer, maybe they'll understand.… But I'm lucky enough that most of the time I have enough intimacy in my life, and love of family and friends, that I'm not craving that from strangers."
Perhaps because she feels so uncomfortable when there's a possibility of paparazzi, Portman tends not to partake in the celebrity social scene. She prefers to go about life rather anonymously—another benefit, she says, of her pixie proportions. "People don't pay attention," she says. "It's different if you're Claudia Schiffer—six feet and blond and walking into a room."
Instead of attending premieres and industry parties, she hangs out with her friends from Harvard and from her time in Israel. They seem like a fairly wholesome bunch. When asked what she'll do on her weekends off from filming in Berlin, she mentions not Amsterdam, the party city of choice for the under-25 set, which is an hour's plane ride away, but London. "One of my friends is obsessed with Mary Poppins," she says. "And now they have the musical and it's a big deal."
On the whole, she seems to prefer social settings that involve watching rather than being watched—movies, concerts, Mary Poppins the musical. The Oscars, which she attended for the first time this year (she was nominated for her breathtaking performance in Closer), doesn't quite fit the bill. "It was my first time and, I don't know, it was weird," she says of the event, to which she wore a Lanvin bronze goddess dress that landed her on many a best-dressed list. "I was really honored and grateful to be there, but it was a lot less glamorous than I thought it would be. It's in a shopping mall, so you leave the ceremony and you go up escalators past, like, T.J. Maxx to go to dinner afterward. It's sort of like the prom—everyone's in tuxes and ballgowns and you take an escalator." EDITOR'S NOTE: TOO FUNNY! ALL THESE YEARS, AND THAT'S THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER HEARD SUCH AN HONEST DESCRIPTION.
Portman is quick to add that, in the end, she had a good time—"and I liked my dress"—but it's clear that she's more comfortable playing the role of denim-clad grad student than movie star in floor-length chiffon.
"She's really down-to-earth," says Zach Braff, who directed and played opposite Portman in 2004's cult hit Garden State. "She's very low maintenance. It's almost shocking how real she is."
And it's hard not to wonder if she's referring to the awards shows when she says later, on the subject of relationships, "It's sort of sad. Most people, if you want to celebrate something at your job, you bring your husband or boyfriend or whatever. [But in this business] you have to be so careful when you're going to everything and censor. You just want to celebrate together and you don't want to have to think, Okay, now we can be close, or now we can't, because there are cameras everywhere."
Closer, of course, was a breakthrough for Portman, not only because it won her an Oscar nod and a Golden Globe, but because she proved that she can play an exceedingly mature role (what could be more adult, after all, than a stripper?) and do it well enough to show up Julia Roberts and Jude Law. As for how it may have affected her standing in Hollywood, "it's not vastly different," she says. "But people trust you a little more. There's less auditioning, less, 'Can she do this?'"
Joel Silver, executive producer of V for Vendetta, has absolutely no doubts when it comes to the star of his latest movie. "She's magic," he enthuses. "She's funny, she's cute, she's sexy, she's intelligent, her beauty is aberrant. When you look at her, you just get it. She can go all the way."
The film is set in London in an alternate future. Germany has won World War II and Britain is a fascist state. Portman plays Evey, a passive everywoman who ends up joining a terrorist freedom fighter (James Purefoy) in his quest to overthrow the totalitarian government. At one point, Evey ends up in prison, where she's tortured, and Portman plans to both lose a few pounds and shave her head—#à la Sigourney Weaver in Alien—in order to look the part. "I think I'm going to enjoy having no hair," she says, with characteristic pluck. EDITOR'S NOTE: AND WITH HER CHEEKBONES, SHE'LL PROBABLY PULL IT OFF DEPRESSINGLY WELL.
In the next Star Wars installment, Revenge of the Sith, Portman, as the Kabuki-faced senator, is pregnant with Luke and Leia. Though the trilogy has been financially successful, it has been widely criticized as overblown, in stark contrast to the more thoughtful projects (like Closer and her first film, The Professional) that Portman is known for. But the actress is too savvy to reveal anything undiplomatic.
"I made the first [Star Wars] film when I was 16, and I think I have a much different approach to acting now," she says. "When you're a child actor you just sort of follow directions and do what everyone wants you to do. It's become much more of a creative process with me as I've grown up, where I feel like I can bring ideas and come to the set with my own vision of how I want everything to be."
And the Star Wars films have undoubtedly been good for her career. For one thing, they've provided the sort of mass exposure that something like Garden State, as well received as it was, cannot. For another, being committed to three movies didn't leave her much time to make careless choices about other projects. Between school and Star Wars, she says, "I didn't have time to do things that were great but not amazing." Not that she hasn't occasionally been tempted by the guilty-pleasure genre—she admits to considering the deliciously terrible Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights and, as a 13-year-old, was "really obsessed" with doing the Baby-Sitters Club movie. But lately Portman hasn't been sent those sorts of scripts. She's a grown-up actress now, and, despite her ability to pass for a little girl at times, her newfound maturity is more and more in evidence.
For her W photo shoot, Portman arrives right on time at the Quatsch Comedy Club in the former East Berlin. She is poked and prodded, hairsprayed to the hilt and zipped into multiple frocks ("Doesn't this dress look kind of bat mitzvah?" she jokes about one) before she is finally deemed ready to face the lens. As Madonna blares and a smoke machine pumps out clouds, Portman steps onto the stage, decked out in a velvety Marc Jacobs affair. There, under the lights, a bouquet of black roses framing her face, she's the picture of sophistication—a full-fledged movie star. Maybe it's the six-inch bouffant, or perhaps it's the sky-high pumps, but she looks, suddenly, almost tall.
LIFE Magazine Explores Star Wars Costumes
In the next edition of LIFE magazine, fans will get a special sneak peek at the stunning costumes from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, as well as an interview with costume designer Trisha Biggar about her experiences dressing everyone from senate dignitaries to new aliens from a galaxy far, far away.
Look for this issue with your local weekend edition newspaper on April 8. LIFE magazine is published every Friday and distributed in over 70 of the nation's leading newspapers each week, with a circulation of 12 million.
Dressing a Galaxy: The Exhibit
Starting September 12, 2005, the FIDM Museum & Galleries in Los Angeles will host an exhibit showcasing the inspired costume design from all six films of the Star Wars saga, including Revenge of the Sith.
Called Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, the exhibit will feature over 100 costumes, sketches, and ephemera highlighting the work of Costume Designer Trisha Biggar.
Biggar, who's been costuming Star Wars denizens since Episode I, has profoundly shaped the look of the prequel universe, from the sullen robes of Senator Palpatine to the exotic regalia of Queen Amidala. Her work on the prequel trilogy will be featured prominently among the collection which reaches back to the saga's humble but ground breaking design beginnings in the mid '70s.
Admission to the museum is free, and guests will have the opportunity to purchase a special costume book revealing the vast universe of Star Wars costume design. This lavish book will also be available in a special limited collector's edition which comes with many extras.
The Exhibition will take place in the 10,000 square foot FIDM Museum & Galleries at The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM in Los Angeles, just minutes away from Disney Hall and Staples Center. The museum presents major exhibitions each year and for the past 12 years has played host to the movie industry with its highly anticipated exhibition: "The Art of Motion Picture Costume Design." This exhibition is the only one of its kind in the world that salutes the art and craft of the costume designer from major films each year including the work of Academy Award costume designers.
See Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars to discover the richness and breadth of the Star Wars universe on a more intimate level. The exhibit is currently scheduled to run through December 10, 2005. EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M THINKING A FALL 2005 CALIFORNIA VISIT MAY BE IN ORDER, HMM??
New Book Showcases Star Wars Costumes
The skill, detail, exuberance and dedication of Costume Designer Trisha Biggar are showcased in a new book due out this Fall: Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. The book is being released in conjunction with a museum exhibition of the costumes of the entire Star Wars saga.
With over 300 photographs and illustrations, this book explores the costumes of the prequel trilogy. It's an amazing collection of diverse wardrobes -- the understated nobility of the Jedi robes, the avarice seen in the ostentatious garb and headdresses of commerce barons and Senators, and the beauty and history expressed in the details of opulent royal dresses.
The most memorable costumes from The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are covered, as are many of the thousands of handcrafted background costumes from each film (as well as select costumes from A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi).
Learn about the costuming process, from initial sketches to final fabrication. See the virtual costumes of the many digital characters. In addition to the astonishing costume presentations, the book includes commentaries by Samuel L. Jackson, Jimmy Smits, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman and other actors, offering memorable insights on what it was like to don these brilliant creations.
Featuring a foreword by George Lucas and a preface by Rick McCallum, Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars by Trisha Biggar is scheduled for a September 2005 hardcover release from publisher Harry N. Abrams, with design by Palace Press.
The book will also be available as a Numbered Limited Edition of 2,500 copies. This deluxe version consists of a cloth edition of 224 pages, and includes an additional 32 pages of Star Wars costume imagery printed on special paper and featuring six assorted bound-in booklets and inserts and eight additional gatefolds. Accompanying this collector's edition is a Certificate of Authenticity signed by author Trisha Biggar, and a cast replica of a Wookiee belt buckle. All this is housed in an elegant, padded clamshell case swathed in an embroidered ribbon displaying royal markings made from the same materials as Star Wars costumes.
Episode III Emperor Speaks
Ian McDiarmid, who plays Emperor Palpatine in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith, offered SCI FI Wire spoilerish (ED NT: NOT VERY) details about his mysterious and malevolent character, who rivals Darth Vader as the most evil character in the saga.
"I think the Emperor is the incarnation of evil, and he's only really interested in power and manipulation," McDiarmid said in an interview. "Nothing else gives him any pleasure. He's a Sith from way back, and they don't have a moral universe. They want to create power for themselves by destroying others. It's very interesting to play a character that is irredeemable. There are even real people that have that kind of motiveless malignancy. It's like watching [former Yugoslavian president Slobodan] Milosevic, somebody that only seems interested in power and manipulation."
Scottish-born McDiarmid first appeared in the Star Wars films as the Emperor in Episode VI—Return of the Jedi in 1983, and he said that creator George Lucas brought him back for the series of prequel films.
"When I heard George was going to do prequels, I kind of hoped he would give me a ring, and he did," McDiarmid said. "I knew he was in town, and I went in and had a 10-minute meeting. I hadn't seen him in 20 years, and he looked exactly the same to me. I had a glass of water. He asked, 'Do you know anyone that would like to play an Emperor?' I said, 'It's funny you should say that.' … He said, 'OK, you can give the water back,' and that was that," McDiarmid said with a chuckle. "He told me a little about the progress of Palpatine through the prequels and what the journey would be like. He said he would start quiet and end big, and that's exactly what's happened."
Episode III marks the end of the Star Wars saga, and McDiarmid admitted that he is sad to see it end. "I'll miss it, and it was great the last six years going to Australia to make a film," he said. "I think it's terrific for me that the final film is also my character's apotheosis. He really explodes in all his unbridled evil. Hypocrisy goes to one side and you see this creature for what he really is. It's been interesting to play the character in the last two movies on the sidelines, and now he moves into the middle. It's a very satisfying personal climax and a privilege." Star Wars: Episode III opens May 19.
Samuel L Jackson Collects His Action Figures
The IMDB reports:Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson collects action figures of characters he has played on the big screen.
The Pulp Fiction star always makes sure he gets hold of every action figure made in his likeness. He says, "They're in my office, in different places. I have a Frozone doll (from The Incredibles) on my desk that looks down on me as I'm working on the computer. It was done from me doing my voiceover stuff, so it looks a lot like me. I've got a Shaft doll that totally looks like me that's over in the corner looking over at the Mace Windu (Star Wars) doll. The first Mace Windu doll didn't look like me at all. Now they look a lot more like me because George Lucas actually scanned all of them which means if he really wanted to make another movie 20 years later he could use my digital image. I actually found some Pulp Fiction characters in a novelty store in Canada. I remember way back when I was in Jurassic Park and everybody had an action figure but me and Wayne Knight. I was kind of bummed, but now I'm OK."
George Lucas to Attend Celebration III! EDITOR'S NOTE: WOW!
Star Wars creator/writer/director George Lucas will make an extraordinary guest appearance at Celebration III. His appearance at the Indiana Convention Center during the huge Star Wars fan festival will mark the first time that Lucas has attended a fan convention since the gathering that marked the 10-year anniversary of A New Hope in 1987.
"George has been very busy finishing Episode III, getting the last shots from ILM, and doing the final mix," said Steve Sansweet, Lucasfilm's head of Fan Relations. "So we were delighted that he was able to carve some time out from a heavily-booked schedule to share some of his thoughts with fans in person as he completes this amazing 30-year screen saga."
The filmmaker will be appearing on the Sagamore Ballroom stage with host Jay Laga'aia, where he will answer questions about his experiences creating the Star Wars saga, the surprises along the way, and his thoughts about what might come next both for him as a filmmaker and for Star Wars after Revenge of the Sith leaves the big screen.
Final details are being arranged, but Lucas has confirmed his plans to be in Indianapolis at some point during the four-day Celebration III, April 21 -- 24. Gen Con LLC, which is managing Celebration III in partnership with Lucasfilm, has reopened its advance ticket sales from now through 5:00 PM PST this Friday, April 8. If you haven't purchased a ticket yet, this is one way to guarantee your ability to attend the biggest Star Wars fan convention ever. Advance ticket sales already are well more than double those of advanced sales for Celebration II.
Please check the onsite schedule and the Information Booth at the Indiana Convention Center for the details of Lucas' appearance at Celebration III. The details will also be posted on http://www.starwars.com/c3/ before the show. To purchase advance tickets for Celebration III go to http://www.starwarscelebration.com/ until Friday, April 8, 5:00 PM PST. Badges for Celebration III may be picked up at appropriately-marked Will Call kiosks in the registration area at the Convention Center. Because it is so close to the show, Gen Con will be able to process only regular orders during the extension period. Those who wish to add Official Star Wars Fan Club member benefits to their order may do so at the Fan Club Kiosk during the show.
Celebration III Shopping Spree!
Get ready to scoop up some great collectibles created especially for Star Wars Celebration III. More than 40 items will be available, from T-shirts for men, women, and kids to baseball hats, posters to commemorative pins, lanyards to cool bottle openers to folding camp chairs, and everything in between.
At the top of every collector's shopping list will be the talking Darth Vader action figure, with phrases recorded exclusively for the figure by actor James Earl Jones. There's also a Celebration III display case for the action figure, custom-made to fit.
Every day of the convention the Celebration Store will be open long hours, ready to handle large crowds efficiently with a Fast Path system. The Fast Path pass will allow shoppers to enter the store at the appointed time, within controlled half-hour segments, avoiding long lines and having more fun! Pick up Fast Path passes outside Hall F.
The Celebration Store is located in Exhibit Hall F. There will also be a Celebration Kiosk near registration, where shoppers can purchase a small assortment of items such as disposable cameras, program books, and lanyards. Action figures will not be sold at the kiosk.
The Celebration III Store is open every day during the weekend while supplies of collectibles last. Shipping services and an ATM are available near Hall F. Cash, traveler's checks, personal checks with a valid ID, and the following credit cards will be accepted: VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Shopping Limits & SuppliesAction figures are limited to 4 figures per person, 4 per 4-day badge (adult or child), exhibitor, press, volunteer, VIP, staff, or associate badge, and 1 per 1-day badge. Each badge will be hole-punched in the appropriate area. Badge sets are limited to 2 sets per person, and will be shipped after the show.
Customers will not be allowed to inspect and choose action figures. We will do our best to make sure no damaged merchandise is sold.
Stocks of items in the store will be spread throughout the days of the convention.
Star Wars Reunion -- The Official French Star Wars Convention
On May 13, 14 & 15 the Official French Star Wars Fan Club will hold its first ever Official French Convention: Star Wars Reunion, at the Grand Rex movie theater in Paris. This event, eagerly awaited by French fans, will celebrate the release of the last chapter of the Star Wars saga, Revenge of the Sith.
The convention starts Friday evening, March 13th, with a concert of Star Wars music performed by a 60-piece orchestra. Confirmed to be in attendance over the weekend are two actors who appear in both the original trilogy and Episode III. Peter Mayhew -- who plays Chewbacca -- will be there, as will Jeremy Bulloch, who played the original Boba Fett and returns to Star Wars as Captain Colton, pilot of the Alderaanian starship in Revenge of the Sith.
Also coming to the Star Wars Reunion is Steve Sansweet, Head of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm, who will be bringing some surprises direct from Skywalker Ranch.
"I am delighted to return to France for another convention -- this time, one entirely devoted to Star Wars and run by the Official French Fan Club and publisher of the Star Wars Lucasfilm Magazine," says Sansweet. "I have met many French fans who are passionate about Star Wars, whether they're collectors, artists, fan filmmakers, costumers or just love to share in the fun and camaraderie with fellow fans. I am especially excited that the convention venue will be the historic Grand Rex Theater, which has a long history with Star Wars, dating back to the first film in 1977. It is truly one of the last great movie palaces in the world."
Over the course of the weekend, fans will be able to attend activities and events -- like a costume contest for kids and adults and a fan film festival. For collectors, there will be exclusive convention merchandise, such as a commemorative poster and a Convention Exclusive action figure from Hasbro.
As more information is confirmed over the coming weeks, be sure to check the Official French Fan Club's website at http://www.courleciel.com/ for the latest information.
Join the Force and Collect All 12 Star Wars Scratchers from the California State
LotteryCalifornians can be the first in the nation to try their luck with the release of the new collectible Star Wars Scratchers(TM) ticket!
In conjunction, with the arrival of the most anticipated theatrical release in history, Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith, the California State Lottery will be the first lottery in the nation to debut Star Wars Scratchers tickets.
These tickets depict the epic battle between the Sith , with images of Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Maul, and the Jedi with images of Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker as well as the forbidden love of Anakin Skywalker and Padme.
"Everyone's favorite characters are on the tickets, including Chewbacca, Han Solo, C-3PO and R2-D2, said Chon Gutierrez, Interim Lottery Director. "The scenes make these tickets an instant collector's item."
The Scratchers tickets will be released statewide in April in advance of the worldwide release of the movie on May 19, 2005. "Californians can enjoy the excitement of a great looking Scratchers ticket combined with a chance at winning up to $10,000,"said Gutierrez.
Diehard Star Wars fans, now in their 30's who were first introduced to the phenomenon in the 70's, wait in anticipation for the final piece of the story featuring the emergence of Darth Vader.
Each episode of the Star Wars saga is represented by two tickets with screen shots and characters from it; including the AT-AT walkers and Star Destroyers from The Empire Strikes Back and what promises to be the most epic battle ever between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Revenge of the Sith.
Players and fans can see all of the tickets and find out more about the limited release of exclusive collectible Star Wars coins on the Lottery website at http://www.calottery.com.The Star Wars Scratchers tickets cost $2. "The popularity of the Star Wars saga is sure to make this ticket a big hit with our players, I'm sure many people will want to collect all 12!" said Gutierrez. EDITOR'S NOTE: REMINDER TO DR.MARGARET (AND OUR OTHER CALIFORNIA DWEEBPALS)....LET ME KNOW HOW MUCH CASH TO SEND, AND I WILL SPRING FOR A FULL SET OF THESE PUPPIES!
The M-Pire Invades StarWarsShop.com
Starting today, StarWarsShop.com celebrates the rise of the Star Wars M-Pire with a huge selection of Star Wars/M&M's-themed pin sets, mugs, t-shirts, hats, and key chains. Many of these items will be shared exclusives, which means you won't be able to get this stuff just anywhere. What's more, Hyperspace members can get anything in this latest M-Pire offering at discounted prices for a limited time! EDITOR'S NOTE: IT REALLY IS A HORRID TIME TO BE POOR. (NOT THAT THERE IS PROBABLY EVER A GOOD TIME....)
The M-Pire t-shirts and hats probably sum up the whimsy and fun of this fantastic campaign best, with slogans and imagery that is sure to please. The clever graphics can also be found wrapped around a pair of ceramic mugs -- you can take your coffee light with the heroes edition or black with the dark side villains edition. EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M TORN. I TRY TO ONLY BUY THE GOOD GUYS, BUT THE DARK CHOCOLATE IS SO MUCH YUMMIER! (DOES THIS MEAN I'M LEANING TOWARD EVIL? OR JUST FAT?)
There are six different key chains available depicting characters and the M-Pire logo, and three sets of four pins featuring the Star Wars/M&M's characters. These twelve promotional pins will be sought out by Star Wars fans, pin enthusiasts, and M&M's collectors alike, so shoppers should grab these while they can.
A set of resin M-Pire figurines are coming soon to StarWarsShop.com, and customers can already buy a set of eight Plush Buddies EDITOR'S NOTE: OOO...AN M&M PLUSH BUDDY! OOO...CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! that were launched with their April 2 retail event (these are not included in the Hyperspace discount offer).
M&M's and UPS Deliver Star Wars Chocolate M-Pire to NASCAR
Stormtroopers, a Wookiee, Princess Leia and the Yellow M&M's Brand Character M-Vader are all potential sights at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR) on April 23, 2005. Add NASCAR Nextel Cup drivers and teammates Elliott Sadler and Dale Jarrett and the Star Wars Chocolate M-Pire is complete. This fun collaboration of characters is part a promotion between Masterfoods USA and Lucasfilm for the May 19 release of Revenge of the Sith. Masterfoods USA is debuting limited edition Dark Chocolate M&M's in celebration of the year's most anticipated theatrical release.
M&M's and UPS are uniting under the banner of the Star Wars Chocolate M-Pire but are separated by dark Sith and light Jedi sides. Supporting characters include Sadler's 'Darth Side' team members and a specially designed #38 Dark Chocolate M&M's Ford Taurus. UPS driver Jarrett and crew will channel the positive power of the Force through the efforts of the #88 UPS/Milk Chocolate M&M's Ford Taurus representing the Jedi.
Close friends both on and off the track, Sadler and Jarrett will be on opposite sides of the Force while battling for a victory in the Subway Fresh 500 at PIR.
"I was really excited to hear I was driving for the dark side," said Sadler. "I grew up watching the first three Star Wars movies and I thought that Darth Vader and the stormtroopers were very cool. It is just another reason why I feel so lucky to drive for M&M's. Not only do we get to be a part of the final movie release of such an epic saga, but we're also enlightening all of the loyal NASCAR and Star Wars fans about Dark Chocolate M&M's." EDITOR'S NOTE: SPOKEN LIKE A TRULY BRAIN-WASHED SHILL. (NOT THAT THIS IS A BAD THING)
Some of the popular M&M's characters are for the first time joining Jarrett on the #88 UPS/Milk Chocolate M&M's Ford Taurus including Sadler's personal favorite, Green. The magnitude of being involved with the Star Wars franchise is not lost on Jarrett, the 1999 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series Champion.
"I think it goes without saying that Star Wars is one of the great iconic movies of our time," Jarrett said. "With this being the final installment of that epic, it's pretty special to be part of the promotions surrounding the release of the film. UPS has a great relationship with M&M's, and I think it's an excellent opportunity for the two sponsors to work together in promoting Revenge of the Sith. I'm looking forward to representing the 'light side' of the Force in Phoenix. Hopefully we can win one for the good guys in April."
"In creation of the Star Wars Chocolate M-Pire, we knew that NASCAR would be a natural component of the program," said Masterfoods USA Director of Sponsorship William Clements. "Two of greatest, most passionate sets of fans in the country are those that support NASCAR and Star Wars. We're giving both groups of fans something and someone to pull for during the race. Fans with an affinity for the dark side of the Force will naturally pull for Elliott, while Jarrett will get support from Jedi masters across the country." EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M PRETTY SURE MOST OF THE JEDI LEFT THE COUNTRY AFTER EARLY NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR. (SNICKER...)
Helping to bring the Star Wars Chocolate M-Pire to life on Saturday night under the lights at PIR, Masterfoods USA enlisted the help of Action Performance Companies, the leader in licensed motorsports merchandise, for the design of the M&M's/Revenge of the Sith cars.
"During the inaugural night race in Phoenix, race fans will see the M&M's Brand/Star Wars cars in action," said Fred W. Wagenhals, chairman, president and CEO of Action Performance Companies Inc. "They are the first vehicles of this multi-car program that will put the spotlight on one of the most treasured film franchises in movie history. The Force of Jedi vs. Sith will be undeniable, and fans will surely choose their alliance and cheer their favorite car in victory lane."
Dark Lord of the Chocolate
Darth Yellow proves that he is just as tough as any immaculately-spawned slave-become-Jedi from a desert planet. Check out the newest ad for M&M Dark Chocolate as it appears in the newest issue of Premiere Magazine.
Pepsi Launches 'Call Upon Yoda' and Darth Dew Promotions
In conjunction with the highly-anticipated release of Revenge of the Sith, Pepsi-Cola North America will run an online promotion and a new Diet Pepsi commercial, both centered around everyone's favorite Jedi Master -- Yoda.
In addition, Pepsi will partner with 7-Eleven, Inc. to offer Darth Dew Slurpees and four limited-edition 3-D cups at participating stores nationwide. EDITOR'S NOTE: DO WE HAVE 7-ELEVENS IN HOUSTON?
Beginning April 18, Pepsi drinkers and Star Wars fans have three ways to play the "Call Upon Yoda" instant-win sweepstakes -- online, by phone, or by text messaging -- to see if they've won one of ten $100,000 grand prizes.
Other prizes include Star Wars toys and games from Hasbro and LEGO and free 2-liter bottles of Pepsi Lime.
The sweepstakes will also bring fans closer to their favorite characters, Yoda, Darth Vader, C3PO and R2-D2 via unique Web-based interactive games and phone and text messaging programs.
Here's how the "Call Upon Yoda" sweepstakes works:
1. Get a code featured on 12 or 24-packs of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Mountain Dew or Sierra Mist.
2. Register at the sweepstakes website.
3. Enter your code via phone, online or by text messaging.
4. If Yoda responds, then Yoda will tell you which prize you may have won. If you are not a winner, either Darth Vader or C-3PO and R2-D2 will let you know that you should try again.
Yoda will encourage fans to achieve success via the Jedi Training Games and the Intergalactic Translator at the sweepstakes website.
Yoda also stars in a new Diet Pepsi commercial called "Jedi Mind Trick." The spot is scheduled to begin airing in May and features the same award-winning special effects that ILM creates for Star Wars. Set in a diner, Yoda sits at the counter and uses the Force to try to get a Diet Pepsi to drink with his meal. A special appearance by the famous Wookiee, Chewbacca, ends the spot with typical Pepsi humor. The commercial was created by BBDO New York. EDITOR'S NOTE: I THINK I'D STILL LIKE ADVERTISING IF I GOT WORK ON STUFF LIKE THIS!
On the dark side, Darth Dew Slurpee will be available at participating 7-Eleven stores nationwide during the month of May. Introduced last summer, Mountain Dew Pitch Black is the popular limited-edition soda that combines the great taste of Mountain Dew with a blast of black grape flavor. Darth Dew Slurpee is modeled after Mountain Dew Pitch Black and will be served in four different Episode III collectible 3-D cups with lids shaped like the head of Darth Vader. EDITOR'S NOTE: IT SOUNDS WONDERFUL! (IN A VILE, DISGUSTING, SUGAR-SHOCK KIND OF WAY)
"Revenge of the Sith is already the most talked-about movie of the year, and Yoda is one of the most beloved movie characters of all time, so we're very excited that he is the cornerstone of our promotion and our new Diet Pepsi commercial," EDITOR'S NOTE: ALTHOUGH I'D THINK HE'D BE BETTER SUITED TO PROMOTING W(H)INE. SMIRK. said Dave Burwick, SVP and chief marketing officer of Pepsi-Cola North America. "We hope Star Wars and Pepsi fans alike have as much fun as we've had with Yoda in celebrating the last episode of the Star Wars saga."
"Once again, Pepsi has created a great way to help our fans experience the wonder of Star Wars," said Jim Ward, vice president of Marketing and Distribution for Lucasfilm. "When Revenge of the Sith hits theaters in less than two months, Star Wars fans will finally get the answers to all their burning Star Wars questions. In the meantime, Pepsi is going to give their consumers a chance to win $100,000 and other great prizes in the "Call Upon Yoda" promotion. That's what I call a win-win proposition." EDITOR'S NOTE: OF COURSE, THEY PAY YOU TO SAY THAT.
Frito-Lay Launches 'Darth Vader Dark' and 'Yoda Green' Colored Cheetos
After celebrating the releases of Star Wars Episodes I and II, Frito-Lay, America's largest snack food maker, has announced that the adventure continues with Revenge of the Sith. The "May The Fun Be With You" program includes Star Wars-themed packaging, an in-bag prize giveaway promotion, and in-store displays picturing scenes and characters from across the epic Star Wars saga.
New this year, and for a limited time only, Frito-Lay is launching Star Wars-inspired Twisted Cheetos snacks that temporarily change the color of your tongue. Star Wars fans who bite into the ordinary looking Cheetos cheese flavored snacks will be surprised to discover that they are crunching on either "Darth Vader Dark" or "Yoda Green" colored Cheetos snacks. While Star Wars fans' mouths will mysteriously turn either black or green, fans from both sides of the Force will get the same dangerously cheesy taste. EDITOR'S NOTE: I LOVE TO PLAY WITH MY FOOD. AND EVEN BETTER, WHEN YOUR FOOD PLAYS WITH YOU!
In specially marked bags of Lay's Classic and Lay's Wavy potato chips, consumers will find a game piece as part of the "May The Fun Be With You" in-bag promotion. Each game piece includes one of 12 exclusive sticker designs featuring Star Wars characters and gives consumers the chance to instantly win a trip for four to Orlando, FL, a home entertainment system, or ticket packages to see Episode III this summer.
"The excitement is building for Revenge of the Sith and Frito-Lay is thrilled to tap into that excitement with Star Wars fans across the country," said Haston Lewis, Vice President Shopper Marketing, Frito-Lay. "As consumers line-up for Episode III, Lay's and Cheetos will be able to give them a 'taste' of the movie in-store before it opens."
"When we set out to bring the last Star Wars episode to the big screen, we wanted to engage our fans in a celebration that would excite them both inside and outside the theater," said Jim Ward, Vice President of Marketing and Distribution for Lucasfilm. "We love that Frito-Lay has taken some of their most-loved snack foods and created a whole new, fun experience for movie-goers that will help make the Star Wars saga even more memorable than before." EDITOR'S NOTE: I BET JIM WARD HAS A WHOLE DRAWER FULL OF STOCK MALARKY PHRASES, HUH?!
Scenes and characters from Revenge of the Sith will jump from the big screen to stores across the country and will be featured on point-of-sale displays and Frito-Lay packaging including Lay's Classic, Lay's Wavy, Lay's Stax, Cheetos and single serve 24-count Multipack offerings. Additionally, the partnership will be supported by a national newspaper coupon in early May.
Kellogg's Celebrates the Saga with Good Morning Goodies
In recent weeks, fans may have noticed several of their favorite galactic heroes and villains peering at them from the shelves of their local supermarkets and convenience stores. This can only mean that Kellogg's fantastic Episode III promotional campaign has arrived! With a broad selection of Star Wars cereals, breakfast pastries, fruit snacks, and cookies, collectors have an unprecedented array of cool items to look for as in-pack or mail-in premiums.
R2-D2 cereal/snack bowl
Star Wars FX Plate
Cookie jars
First off, the Light-Up Saberspoon. Every Star Wars collector can agree that this in-pack premium has to be one of the most inspired ideas to ever find itself inside of a cereal box. Beyond the convenience of having the conventional cereal utensil included in the box, this one actually lights up like a lightsaber to put a little buzz into your morning munch. Three different colored versions are available in specially-marked boxes of Kellogg's Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, and Honey Smacks. EDITOR'S NOTE: IT IS QUITE NIFTY!
If the Saberspoon isn't enough to start your morning, how about an R2-D2 cereal/snack bowl that beeps and whistles when it's filled up? This fantastic star ware can be had by sending in a couple UPCs along with a small payment and a form from specially-marked packages of Kellogg's Crispix cereal. EDITOR'S NOTE: THAT SOUNDS QUITE NIFTY TOO. (AND CRISPIX IS ACTUALLY HEALTHY!)
For waffle-lovers, the power of the Force can be yours with the Star Wars FX Plate available through a mail-in offer found on specially-marked Eggo product boxes. A lenticular image of Anakin transforms into Darth Vader by tipping the plate from side to side -- just make sure you don't spill your syrup while changing Anakin to the dark side! EDITOR'S NOTE: EDITORS NOTE: WELL, I DON'T LIKE WAFFLES. ANYONE A WAFFLE-EATER OUT THERE?
To keep your cookies stored in Star Wars style, three all new cookie jars are available as mail-in premiums from boxes of various Kellogg's and Keebler products. Darth Vader, R2-D2, and C-3PO can now guard the kitchen counter or top of the refrigerator from sweet-tooth snack seekers, each cast in durable plastic and measuring approximately 10 inches tall. EDITOR'S NOTE: I'VE ALREADY SENT AWAY FOR AN R2-D2. I'LL WAIT ON THE OTHERS UNTIL WE SEE IF HE'S WORTH TAKING UP COUNTER SPACE. (BUT KEEP EATING COOKIES AND SAVING UPCS, JUST IN CASE).
Star Wars card collectors will want to take note of a new 36-card set available on the backs of specially-marked Kellogg's Honey Smacks, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Raisin Bran Crunch, and Smorz. The Jedi Mind Game cards come in three groups of 12, so it should be pretty easy to complete a set (can you imagine trying to gather 36 cards randomly inserted into various cereal boxes?!). EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M KINDA SURPRISED THEY DIDN'T TORTURE US THIS WAY, SINCE THE LIGHTSABER SPOONS ARE RANDOM.
Besides looking great, some of Kellogg's Star Wars product boxes sound great too! Fans who open specially marked boxes of Pop Tarts and hear the Darth Vader theme played will win a Hasbro Darth Vader voice changer. Collectors will be glad to learn that the highly-collectible musical box doesn't have to be redeemed to get the prize -- there's a separate game piece inside to use instead. EDITOR'S NOTE: SO KELLOGGS UNDERSTANDS OCD.
Available through Cheez-It products, a stunning Darth Vader poster can be purchased by sending in a couple UPCs along with $2.99. A Star Wars Saga poster featuring characters from all of the films is also available through a Kellogg's offer on specially-marked boxes of Kellogg's Corn Flakes.
In addition to the two Star Wars-themed Corn Flakes boxes available, there is also a pair of limited edition Star Wars cereal boxes featuring Yoda or Darth Vader. The cereal itself contains marshmallows in the shapes of various Star Wars characters and vehicles.
Bringing Star Wars back to the cereal aisle should bring fond memories of 1984's Kellogg's C-3PO's to the minds of fans who experienced the early days of Star Wars food merchandising and collectibles. Of course, light-up Saberspoons and beeping R2-D2 snack bowls will probably outmatch the sticker cards and cut-out masks available back then in the minds of most collectors.
How can you beat a whistling bowl and a light-up spoon to brighten up your morning? EDITOR'S NOTE: HOW, INDEED?!
Help from a Sticky Sith
If your nickname is Dark Lord of the Crafts, get ready for fun Star Wars projects like fuzzy posters, design-your-own shirt and interactive art supplies (including a lightsaber gluestick) available now from RoseArt.
New products for Revenge of the Sith include pencils, topper pencils, mechanical pencils, crayons, novelty light-up figure pens, figurine stampers, Activity Roller Desk, Lite-Up Tracing Desk, temporary tattoos,EDITOR'S NOTE: WOOHOO....MORE TEMPORARY TATTOOS!!! LIFE IS GOOOOOOOD. stickers, activity case, magnetic playset, fuzzy poster kits, fuzzy t-shirts, and more.
One of the coolest products in addition to the lightsaber gluestick is the Light-up Darth Vader Glue Bottle. In the shape of Vader's helmet, when you squeeze the bottle his eyes light up in a sinister red color!
Chewbacca Wishes You a Happy Birthday
While it's always fun to send your friends and family cards, instead of simply choosing a regular, boring card, why not pick one of the new Danilo talking sound cards featuring Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Chewbacca?
Danilo will be publishing Star Wars cards in various sizes and styles in the UK, but it's the sound cards that may end up being a huge hit with young fans.
"These cards are cool because we've managed to link the printed caption on the card front with the sound-chip inside, so when you open the card there's a classic quote that relates to the caption and image," Creative Cards Manager Martin Carter says. "For example on the Yoda 21 Today card the sound file says the memorable line from The Empire Strikes Back, 'When 900 hundred years you reach look as good you will not, uhm?'"
The sounds used are taken from the original trilogy, but the images used are from the new style guide for the upcoming film Revenge of the Sith.
The cards will be available in early May and can be found in the United Kingdom at Clinton Cards, WH Smiths, Woolworth's, Sainsbury's, Forbidden Planet plus independent retailers. EDITOR'S NOTE: ANY BRITS OUT THERE?
Darth Vader "The Ultimate Villain" 12-inch Figure EDITOR'S NOTE: I HAVE A DIRTY MIND. IT MUST BE ALL THOSE DARK M&MS.
Our Price: $52.99
When Anakin falls to the dark side of the Force, he leaves everyone and everything behind, even his name and identity. Betraying the Jedi and those closest to him, Anakin changes into the most terrifying incarnation of evil the galaxy has ever seen. Re-create this epic moment of darkness by encasing Anakin in the ominous black armor of Darth Vader!
Includes everything you need to change Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader! Authentically detailed and fully poseable, figure comes with interchangeable hands and two differently colored lightsabers. EDITOR'S NOTE: AWFULLY AWFULLY GROOVY. AND SOMEDAY, IT'LL GO ON DISCOUNT!
Darth Vader Pet Costume
Our Price: $14.99
Includes headpiece jumpsuit
The family pet can now be one of your favorite Star Wars characters! Dress up your pet as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Includes headpiece and jumpsuit with attached arms, cape, and belt. Pet costumes recommended for dogs only.
Princess Leia Pet Costume
Our Price: $14.99
Slave Leia Pet Costume
Our Price: $14.99
Yoda Pet Costume
ROTS Official Poster And Checklist
This Revenge of the Sith poster was given out at Toys "R" Us stores in Singapore to the first 200 customers during their Midnight Madness sale.
This poster is a variation of the gatefold ad currently appearing in Star Wars Insider magazine and features all 56 figures in the line, plus a checklist.
Now in cooperation with Entertainment Earth and Hasbro, Rebelscum is proud to be able to host a high-resolution version of this poster, which can be downloaded for your computer at the link below:
Download the Revenge of the Sith Action Figure Poster here
ROTS Poster File size: 14.0MBDimensions: 6750x3600Right-click and 'Save Target As' to your computer.While downloads are permissable, this poster cannot be printed, sold or used in any other way other than downloading it for your computer EDITOR'S NOTE: BE FOREWARNED THAT LOOKING TOO CLOSELY AT SOME OF THE TOY DESCRIPTIONS/NAMES PROVIDES SPOILERS. (LEARNED THAT THE HARD WAY WITH THE POSTER IN MY "SW INSIDER" MAGAZINE. ALTHOUGH I'VE HAD NUTRASWEET SINCE THEN, SO I DONT REMEMBER WHAT THE SPOILERS WERE).
The Top 8 Things Overheard in Line for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith"
8> "I hope it's not a big pile of Sith like the last two."
7> "'Revenge of the Sith'? You should be in line for 'Revenge of the Deodorant.'"
6> "Have you seen all the weirdos lining up for 'Batman Begins'? Losers!"
5> "They say Jabba is even huttier in this episode."
4> "All right, who released the Naboo gas?"
3> "You're wearing your Darth Vader Underoos? Me too!"EDITOR'S NOTE: SOMETHING ODDBOB CAN REALLY RELATE TO, EH OB?
2> "Your Mom met her sperm donor waiting in line at the first 'Star Wars'? Mine too!"
and the Number 1 Thing Overheard in Line for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith"...
1> "I sure hope they tell us more about those unfair taxes from Episode One!" EDITOR'S NOTE: HEY....I LIKE THE POLITICAL INTRIGUE STUFF. (DID I JUST PROVE THEIR POINT? DO I CARE?)
The Top 10 Rejected Titles for "Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith"
10> Star Wars III: Pull My Finger!
9> Episode VI: No Refunds
8> Star Wars Episode III: This One Doesn't Suck
7> Clones, Shmones -- the Council Screwed Up
6> Star Wars Episode III: The Passion of the Jedi
5> Sithpocalypse Now
4> Journey to the Center of the Darth
3> Jedis Gone Wild!
2> Battlefield Darth
and the Number 1 Rejected Title for "Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith..."
1> Star Wars Episode III: Jar Jar and the Ewoks Take Manhattan
AND AN ODDBOB STORY: This was told to me tonite by a friend via email:
Have you heard the Star Wars joke about Luke and Darth on the DeathStar?They're fighting with light sabers drawn. Their light sabers touch and Darth leans over and says, "Luke, I know what you're getting for Christmas."So, Luke finally gets free and Darth disappears.He looks around and finally he heard the breathing directly behind him and he turns and says, "But how?" Then he flips back before Darth's saber slices through the air.But Luke trapped himself in the corner. Darth comes closer and holds up his light saber...."I felt your presents." EDITOR'S NOTE: WE DON'T CALL HIM ODD FOR NOTHIN.
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